• 表“目的”的英语词汇和搭配

    21-09-17 不论是为了告诉他人我们做某事的目的,还是为了说明、解释事物的用途,我们都需要使用特定的英语搭配来表达 目的。英语中常用的表目的的词汇有:to + 动词原形、to、so、for、in order to。下面的八道题考考你对这类词汇的掌握和运用。 1. ______ create a good impres...

  • give up 停止做一件事

    21-04-25 动词搭配 give up 的基本意思是 放弃,停止做某事,后面可接名词,即 give up something;也可以接现在分词,即 give up doing something,意思也是 停止做某事。 在谈论改掉不良习惯的语境中,give up 还有 戒掉... 的含义。比如,to give up smoking 戒烟。 例句 Thi...

  • air guitar 空气吉他

    13-02-27 Playing air guitar is a form of dance and movement in which the performer pretends to play rock or heavy metal-style electric guitar, including riffs, solos, etc. Playing an air guitar usually consists of exaggerated strumming and picking motions an...

  • 完美实现吉他与电脑的互连

    11-07-12 Rapidly, but expressively and with amazing ease, the guitarist's fingers move over the strings on the neck of the instrument. His fingertips move up and down and a vibrato(颤音) resonates. From the guitar a cable leads to a laptop, which records t...

  • Musicians pay tribute to Les Paul 众音乐家缅怀Les Paul

    09-08-15 Guns N' Roses star Slash has paid tribute to guitar pioneer Les Paul, who has died aged 94, calling him vibrant and full of positive energy. Guns N' Roses歌星Slash称颂94岁逝世的吉他先锋Les Paul充满积极的活力。 Paul died from complications of pneumon...

  • Rock guitar pioneer Les Paul dies 摇滚吉他先锋Les Paul逝世

    09-08-14 Les Paul, whose pioneering electric guitars were used by a legion of rock stars, has died at the age of 94. Les Paul,电吉他演奏的先锋、摇滚歌星的御用吉他手逝世,享年94岁。 Les Paul's guitars were played by stars like Sir Paul McCartney Mr Paul died...
