• 法庭常用词汇 2

    16-08-04 Court order 法庭指令 She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals. 对于法院禁止她饲养动物的指令,她决定不再上诉。 Cross-examination 交叉讯问 The witness tripped up rather badly under close cross-examination....

  • take bribe 受贿

    15-06-26 Chuck Blazer, a former FIFA executive committee member and a key player in the ongoing corruption investigation into international soccer's governing body, admitted that he and other officials took bribes ahead of the 1998 and 2010 World Cups, court...

  • 法律英语:Court 法庭 下

    14-12-26 The court ordered the case to be retried. 法院命令重申此案。 The court's opinion was that the case should be heard inter parties as soon as possible. 法院的意见是该案应在双方当事人在场的情况下尽快审理。 The court recorded a plea of not guilty. 法院...

  • 法律英语:Offense 犯罪 上

    14-12-26 A witness's credibility noticeably diminishes as the enormity of the crime or the unlikeliness of its circumstances increase. 罪行越严重,情节越难以置信,证据的尺度应越严格。 An act does not make a person guilty of a crime unless the mind is also gu...

  • 法律英语:Jury 陪审团

    14-11-25 The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. 陪审团作出了无罪裁定。 The jury found him guilty and did not recommend mercy. 陪审团裁定他有罪,且未提出宽大处理。 Every defendant charged with a felony has a right to be charged by the Grand Jury. 重罪被...

  • 弗吉尼亚前州长麦克唐纳犯下贪污罪

    14-09-05 A court in Virginia has found the former state governor, Bob McDonnell, and his wife guilty of corruption. 美国弗吉尼亚州一家法院发现,前州长鲍勃麦克唐纳和他妻子犯下贪污罪。 McDonnell was once considered a rising star of the Republican party Mr McDo...

  • Ball of Fat 羊脂球 Chapter 2

    14-09-04 Some detachments rapped at each door, then disappeared into the houses. It was occupation after invasion. Then the duty commences for the conquered to show themselves gracious toward the conquerors. After some time, as soon as the first terror disap...

  • 奥林巴斯前董事认罪服法

    12-09-25 Former Olympus chairman, Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, has pleaded guilty to charges of falsifying accounts, covering up losses of $1.7bn, in a trial that begins today. 在今天开始的审判中,奥林巴斯前董事长菊川刚承认篡改账目以掩饰17亿美元的损失。 Two other form...

  • 索马里男子供认劫持美国商船罪行

    10-05-19 A Somali man has pleaded guilty in New York's court to seizing a US ship and kidnapping its captain last year. 一名索马里男子在纽约某法庭审理中服罪,他曾在去年截获一艘美国船只并绑架了船长。 The Maersk Alabama was carrying aid bound for Somalia when...

  • 宝丽来前老板汤姆·培特因诈骗获刑50年

    10-04-09 US businessman Tom Petters has been sentenced by a federal judge to 50 years in prison for his role in a $3.7bn (2.4bn) fraud. 美国商人汤姆培特因一起37亿美元的诈骗案被某联邦法官判处有期徒刑50年。 Mr Petters' Petters Worldwide Group once owned Polaro...