• 中国出台加强农村管理指导方针

    19-06-24 The General Offices of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council on Sunday published a guideline for enhancing rural governance. 中国共产党中央委员会办公厅以及国务院周日发布一份加强农村地区管理的指导方针。 By 2020, C...

  • 韩国政府提议对偶像出镜率进行限制

    19-02-22 South Koreas government has reportedly come under fire for suggesting a cap on K-pop stars appearing on television shows as the singers look too alike. 据报道,由于韩国歌手外貌过于相似,政府提议限制偶像歌手在电视节目中的出镜频次,然而此举遭到猛烈抨...

  • 中国将提高乳制品行业

    18-06-12 China on Monday unveiled guidelines to make a series of improvements to its dairy industry. 本周一,中国公布提高乳品行业的一系列指导方针。 By 2020, the country should have achieved substantial results in the supply-side structural reform of the dair...
