• 今年中国吸收外资可能实现两位数增长

    22-09-22 今年以来,中国实际使用外资继续增长。商务部9月19日发布的数据显示,今年1-8月,全国实际使用外资金额8927.4亿元人民币,同比增长16.4%。专家表示,中国市场对外资依然保持较强吸引力。这主要得益于中国完整的产业体系、超大规模的市...

  • grow with each passing day 与日俱增

    22-08-24 与日俱增,汉语成语,随着时间一天天增长,形容不断增长。 可以翻译为steadily increase或grow with each passing day等。 例句: 他的信心与日俱增。 As the days progressed, his confidence increased. 两国民间的文化交流与日俱增。 Cultural exchanges between th...

  • grow apart 渐渐疏远

    21-04-28 搭配 grow apart 形容 人之间的感情慢慢变淡,从而渐渐疏远。它多用在谈论亲友、爱人之间由于失去了共同的兴趣或话题而渐渐产生了隔阂,而不一定是由于发生争论或感情出现问题而造成的关系疏远。 例句 After secondary school, my friends and I grew apart. I started...

  • like watching grass grow 非常无聊

    21-04-11 表达 like watching grass grow 被用来形容 做某件事情就像盯着草长大一样,极其枯燥、无趣。这个表达通常与系动词 be 一起使用,即 be like watching grass grow。这是一个相当讽刺和幽默的比喻。 例句 I really dont understand football. Its like watching grass g...

  • kidult 表面已成年心里不想长大的人

    13-04-27 Kidult (a blend of kid and adult) refers to a so-called grown-up who doesn't want to grow up (or at least act like an adult) and would instead prefer so-called children's stuff for entertainment, like cartoons, toys, comic books, Disney movies, etc....

  • 科学家发现控制血管细胞生长的方法

    10-08-02 Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified a new way to regulate the uncontrolled growth of blood vessels(血管) , a major problem in a broad range of diseases and conditions. The findings are publishe...

  • 世界上最大兔子长达1.29米

    10-04-10 This Easter Bunny weighs a whopping three-and-a-half stone and is four foot three inches long - making him the biggest rabbit ever recorded. 这只复活节兔子重达3.5英石(49磅),长达4英尺3英寸(1.29米),成为世界上有史以来体积最大的兔子。 This Easter...

  • 生态学家发现森林增长速度加快

    10-02-03 Speed is not a word typically associated with trees; they can take centuries to grow. However, a new study to be published the week of Feb. 1 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found evidence that forests in the Eastern Unite...
