• 《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. He defected yesterday. 他昨天叛逃了。 2. Were up against the clock here. 我们时间不多。 3. Given the gravity of the situation and your history with Saw, were hoping that he will help us locate your father. 考虑到情况的严重性以及你和索的渊源,我们...

  • 利用广义相对论构建宇宙模型

    16-06-27 Research teams on both sides of the Atlantic have shown that precise modeling of the universe and its contents will change the detailed understanding of the evolution of the universe and the growth of structure in it. One hundred years after Einstei...

  • 天文学家发现测量遥远星球表面重力的方法

    16-01-03 Researchers have found a new way to measure the pull of gravity at the surface of a star. For distant stars with planets orbiting them, this information is key in determining whether any of those planets can harbour life. The new method is described...

  • 黑洞引力将附近星体撕碎

    15-10-22 When a star comes too close to a black hole, the intense gravity of the black hole results in tidal forces that can rip the star apart. In these events, called tidal disruptions, some of the stellar debris is flung outward at high speeds, while the...

  • 黑洞可能是研究暗物质理想的实验场所

    15-06-26 A new NASA computer simulation shows that dark matter particles colliding in the extreme gravity of a black hole can produce strong, potentially observable gamma-ray light. Detecting this emission would provide astronomers with a new tool for unders...