• golden handshake 丰厚的解雇金、退职金

    22-06-28 Golden handshake: A large sum of money that a company gives to an employee when he or she leaves (normally the top executives) 丰厚的解雇金、退职金 例: As CEO, Ross was given a golden handshake when he agreed to leave the company. 作为CEO,罗斯同意...

  • the golden mean 中庸之道

    20-10-24 中庸之道是中国传统文化儒家思想(Confucianism)的精髓,是孔子和儒家所肯定的最高德行。中指言行没有超过或不及(moderate in ones words and deeds)。庸包含两个相关的含义:其一指平常(common, ordinary),其二指恒常(unchanging)。 中庸之道指不偏不倚,折中调...

  • 中国西藏发现疑似金豺

    18-07-10 A Chinese expedition team has been able to capture clear images of what observers believe is a Golden Jackal. 中国一支探险队成功拍摄到某动物的清晰照片,专家认为该动物是金豺。 The Golden Jackal is a fox-like animal thought to be living in the souther...

  • golden era 黄金年

    16-01-29 President Xi Jinping's UK visit starting next week will lead to the signing of agreements worth a huge amount and initiate a golden era in Beijing's relations with London, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. 外交部13日表示,国家主席习近平将于下周...

  • 世界杯奖项一览

    14-09-15 Golden Ball The Golden Ball award is presented to the best player at each FIFA World Cup finals, with a shortlist drawn up by the FIFA technical committee and the winner voted for by representatives of the media. Those who finish as runners-up in th...

  • Golden Windows

    14-08-18 There was a small boy living on a farm, he needed to get up before sunrise every morning to start his chores and out again later to do the evening ones. During sunrise he would take a break and climb up on the fence. So in the distance he could see...

  • 黄金问候 Golden hello

    09-10-05 今年就业形势不太好,很多毕业生都相继降低了期望薪资的标准,有的甚至表示可以接受零薪资工作。其实,就算形势再不好,有实力的人还是很受青睐的。你看不是有好些精英都在今年收到Golden hello,然后美滋滋地入了职么? A Golden hello is a bonus offered by hiring...

  • Elusive golden cat caught on film 神秘金猫被发现

    09-09-17 One of the most elusive of all wild cats has been photographed deep in the jungle of Uganda. 最神秘的野生猫之一在乌干达的丛林深处被拍摄到。 Snapped by a digital infrared camera trap Three images of a wild African golden cat were taken by a digital i...

  • Monkeys in 'golden ticket' grab Monkeys乐队出新招,专辑里藏

    09-08-17 Arctic Monkeys have hidden golden tickets to this year's Reading And Leeds Festivals inside two copies of their new single. Arctic Monkeys乐队将今年Reading And Leeds Festival音乐节上的两张金牌门票藏于两张他们的新专辑中。 Arctic Monkeys third album,...
