• 眼镜度数

    21-12-07 在英文中,眼镜度数的单位是diopter /dapt(r)/(屈光度)。 释义:a unit for measuring the power of a lens to refract light (= make it change direction) 屈光度 大家在视力检验报告上就能看到屈光度,如果是-3.5D,这里的D就是diopter的缩写。而-3.5D代表的也就...

  • 2050年世界上一半人可能患近视

    21-10-12 没事就把手机、平板拿出来看看,已成为现代人的常态。电子设备极大地方便了我们的生活。但同时过度使用电子设备带来的危害也不容忽视。科学家称,手机和电脑屏幕是儿童和年轻人近视风险上升的罪魁祸首。预计到2050年,世界上一半人可能患近视。 Young people spending...

  • 你的眼镜多少度

    21-01-28 1 How strong are your glasses? 歪果仁也很有意思,眼镜一般就是越厚度数越高,越厚的镜片越结实- strong。所以就直接用how strong来询问就可以。 2 Whats the power of your glasses? power表示力量,跟上面的strong含义差不多,只不过换了一个表达方式。 你的眼镜力...

  • 中国消协:看3D电影自费买眼镜不合法

    19-05-29 The China Consumers Association has backed a new online campaign in China, suggesting it is illegal that cinemas require consumers to pay for the glasses needed to watch 3D films. 中国消费者协会对最近互联网上流传的一个说法表示支持:观看3D电影,影院...

  • 谷歌眼镜可能阻挡部分周边视觉

    14-11-06 Testing of study participants who wore head-mounted display systems (Google glasses) found that the glasses created a partial peripheral vision obstruction, according to a study in the November 5 issue of JAMA. Interest in wearable head-mounted disp...

  • 美国研发能够看见癌细胞的眼镜

    14-02-16 High-tech glasses developed at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis may help surgeons visualize cancer cells, which glow blue when viewed through the eyewear. The wearable technology, so new it's yet unnamed, was used during surgery...

  • 解决大块金属玻璃的易脆性

    13-11-18 From the production of tougher, more durable smart phones and other electronic devices, to a wider variety of longer lasting biomedical implants, bulk metallic glasses are poised to be mainstay materials for the 21st Century. Featuring a non-crystal...

  • 普通玻璃也有非凡特性

    13-01-07 Technologically valuable ultrastable(超稳定的) glasses can be produced in days or hours with properties corresponding to those that have been aged for thousands of years, computational and laboratory studies have confirmed. Aging makes for higher...

  • 想洞悉对方想法 “社交X光”眼镜帮忙

    11-07-24 Going on a date can be a nightmare for the best of us. But now a pair of social X-Ray glasses promises to tell you exactly what the other person is thinking - and when you should stop talking. 对大多数人来说,赶赴约会都有可能变成噩梦一...

  • Parents 'ignoring eye sun danger' 父母忽略孩子眼睛易受太阳伤

    09-08-18 Three in four parents are risking their child's eyesight by exposing them to bright sun without appropriate protection, experts warn. 专家警告道,四分之三的父母将自己的孩子的双眼直接曝与日光之下而没有任何保护。 Some children may resist wearing sungl...