• garbage, rubbish, trash, waste

    21-09-01 扔垃圾用英语该怎么说呢?throw the rubbish? 可别一不小心就犯了中式英语的错。 throw the rubbish并不是扔垃圾的正确表达,throw是抛、投的意思,throw the rubbish的正确含义是抛垃圾,这抛不准就太尴尬了。 外国人说扔垃圾,一般会委婉地说成take out the trash或...

  • 韩国:减少废弃物的楷模

    20-11-04 South Koreans used to not really care about how to sort their waste too, but in the year 1995, their government took a different path from most of the other countries: they establish a systematic and strict waste management standard to ensure the st...

  • 德国:全球废弃物循环利用领先者

    20-11-04 Germany is the country with the worlds number one recycling system. The country has a quite detailed way of sorting their waste down to the colour of the glass waste you wished to throw away, the type of paper that could be put inside the paper wast...

  • 印尼人如何处理垃圾

    20-11-04 One thing for sure: its never too hard to throw your garbage in Indonesia. What Indonesians commonly do is putting our trashes in our personal garbage area which usually located at the front of our house, right at the side of the street. Put it ther...