• 北京将立法实施垃圾分类

    19-07-03 The Beijing city government has announced plans to legislate garbage sorting on Monday, reports Beijing News. 北京市政府周一宣布,计划立法实施垃圾分类。 Household garbage will need to be sorted into four categories: kitchen waste, recyclable waste,...

  • 饿了么在上海代扔垃圾

    19-06-25 Chinas online food-delivery platform Eleme has activated a new service on its app of picking up garbage from its users in Shanghai. 中国在线送餐平台饿了么在其app上启动一项新服务,帮助上海地区的用户扔垃圾。 The move comes after a recently-released re...

  • 控制浪费 韩国食物垃圾将按重量交费

    16-05-05 In a bid to control the nations growing problem with food wastage, the South Korean government has started a unique initiative - Pay as You Trash. Residents are required to separate their food waste from the rest of their trash and dump it separatel...

  • 把垃圾扔到太阳上 有可能但不太可行

    16-03-12 On BBC Radio 4, Drs Adam Rutherford and Hannah Fry have been answering intriguing scientific questions from listeners and the BBC Future audience. 在BBC广播4频道,广播听众和BBC《未来》栏目的观众就一些有趣的科学问题进行提问,亚当卢瑟福博士和汉娜弗莱...

  • garbage sorting 垃圾分类

    16-02-27 China's capital city of Beijing is to pilot a bonus scheme starting from next year to reward citizens who practice their own garbage sorting . 明年,首都北京将试行一项制度,对那些将垃圾分类的市民进行奖励。 目前北京推行的模式,通过二维码(QR code)应...

  • 纽约街道垃圾处理 昆虫起重要作用

    14-12-30 In the city that never sleeps, it's easy to overlook the insects underfoot. But that doesn't mean they're not working hard. A new study from North Carolina State University shows that insects and other arthropods play a significant role in disposing...

  • 巨大的垃圾带重新界定了海洋界限

    14-09-04 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is an area of environmental concern between Hawaii and California where the ocean surface is marred by scattered pieces of plastic, which outweigh plankton in that part of the ocean and pose risks to fish, turtles and...

  • A garbage collector 垃圾收集工

    14-07-02 John was ten years old, and he was a very lazy boy. He had to go to school of course, but he was bored there and tried to do as little work as possible. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that he would become one, too, when he gr...

  • Renewable Resource Recycling 可再生资源回收

    11-11-23 Beijing plans to involve 300 community rubbish recycling stations in a Renewable Resource Recycling Day this year, to encourage people to recycle rubbish near their homes. 北京市今年计划将300个社区垃圾回收站纳入可再生资源回收日活动中,以鼓励人们在住...

  • 探索细胞的资源回收功能

    10-07-15 In cells, as in cities, disposing of garbage and recycling anything that can be reused is an essential service. In both city and cell, health problems can arise when the process breaks down. New research by University of Michigan cell biologist Haox...