• 《白雪公主之魔镜魔镜》精彩词句

    23-01-31 Loose lips sink ships. 口风不严战舰沉(形容大嘴误事)。 He said empty your pockets! 叫你把口袋里的东西交出来。 Whats so funny? 有什么好笑的。 Take you the whole day to come up with that? 这么长时间就想出了这个? Nonsense. Apparently somebody has to tea...

  • thought的多个用法

    23-01-29 1 动词 thought 是 think 的过去式,意思是 想,思考;觉得。 I thought of you yesterday. He thought that film was funny. 2 可数名词 thought 可以表示 想法,主意。 Ive just had a thought! We should go to the beach. Theres a thought! Lets order pizza. 3...

  • have it in you 有一手

    23-01-29 表达 have it in you 的意思是 拥有深藏不露的特殊品质或能力,这种潜质通常只在经历困难或考验能力的情况下才展现出来。其中,you 可以用其它人称代词替换,have 随主语和时态而变化。注意,我们经常在否定句中使用这个短语来表达对某人显示出的品质或能力感到惊讶。...

  • joking aside 言归正传

    22-11-28 当某人说 joking aside(撇开玩笑不谈) 时,意思是 别开玩笑了,严肃一点,也就是 玩笑归玩笑,说正经的,言归正传。搭配 joking apart 与 joking aside 的意思相同,用法也一样。 例句 Joking aside, we need a rota that is easier to understand. 言归正传,我们需...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 21

    22-09-14 The best break I had in years, when I got home the regular night elevator boy, Pete, wasnt on the car. Some new guy Id never seen was on the car, so I figured that if I didnt bump smack into my parents and all Id be able to say hello to old Phoebe a...

  • 称赞或者吐槽电视节目的地道口语

    22-06-09 1. 如果是喜剧,你可以说: That show is hilarious! 那个剧太搞笑了! Its super funny. 超级有意思! 2. 如果是剧情片,你可以说: Its action-packed. 剧情太刺激了。 Its really suspenseful. 情节真是悬念迭起。 3. 如果觉得好看,你可以说: It was fascinating....

  • Not a funny joke. 一点都不好笑。

    22-05-07 Not a funny joke. 一点都不好笑。 Notes:开玩笑也是一门艺术。 朋友之间相互调侃,有时候,作为笑话的当事人,你可能并不觉得好笑。这个时候你就可以用上这句表达啦! Not a funny joke. 一点儿也不好笑。...