• 如何激励孩子向成功进发

    21-09-10 作为家长,鼓励孩子学习和激发求知欲对他们的成长非常重要。但哪种激励方式更好? Children are naturally curious, inquisitive beings, but getting them to study something they arent interested in can be a difficult task. Teachers and parents often find th...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 8

    21-01-24 LISHA WILKINS. WHEN Christie opened the eyes that had closed so wearily, afternoon sunshine streamed across the room, and seemed the herald of happier days. Refreshed by sleep, and comforted by grateful recollections of her kindly welcome, she lay t...

  • 夸人有趣,不用funny

    20-10-17 正所谓好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的灵魂万里挑一。 碰到幽默风趣的人,就想夸一句:你真是个有趣的人。 英语可不能直译为:()You re so funny. 因为: funny 表示:滑稽的,搞笑的 Youre so funny就成了:你太滑稽了,像个小丑一样。 正确英文表达: Youre such a fun...

  • 含糊不清的“漂亮话”

    20-10-15 1. Good luck with that. 字面意思:祝你好运。 内涵:看语气,要么是夸你,要么就是在告诉你我等着看你好戏。 看语气,重音放前面,很平常地说出来,那是真心祝福你;但如果重音放在that上,那讽刺意思就很明显了,就像你看到一个人做傻事还拦不住的时候,可能就会说...

  • be a law unto themselves 自行其是,我行我素

    20-09-03 表达 be a law unto themselves 用来形容某人 自行其是,我行我素,因此他们是相当不可预测的。除了可以用来描述一个不遵循规章制度的人以外,这个表达也可以用来描述运转异常的机器或其它物体。 例句 I want to arrange a weekend away with Emily, but shes a law un...

  • houseblinging 假日房屋装扮

    17-02-12 Houseblinging is an informal English word that means to decorate the outside of a house at Christmas with a giant display of flashing lights. Some people bling up their house at Christmas to raise money for charity, while others do it purely for fun...

  • 与猴子相关的短语

    16-07-07 Make a monkey out of (someone) 让某人出丑、难堪 Monkey around with somebody or something 瞎捣鼓,闲晃 Monkey business 非法活动,骗人的把戏 A monkey on ones back 阻止某人成功的严重问题,历史问题 Monkey see, monkey do 有样学样 More fun than a barrel o...

  • Happiness Equates with Fun?

    16-06-10 I live in Hollywood. You may think people in such a glamorous, fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness. Many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun. The truth is that fu...

  • fattism 肥胖歧视

    16-06-03 Fattism refers to discrimination against people who are overweight, or the tendency to poke fun at them. Also spelt fatism. 肥胖歧视指的是对超重的人的歧视,或者是想要取笑他们的一种心态。也可以写作fatism。 有肥胖歧视心理的人,或者宣扬肥胖歧视的人(on...

  • fun sponge 欢乐终结者

    16-05-30 A fun sponge refers to a joyless or grumpy person who soaks up all the fun out of an event or situation, in a way a normal sponge sucks up liquid around it. Fun sponge指无趣又坏脾气的人,能够吸干周遭环境中的一切乐趣,就像海绵吸干周遭的水分一样。 这...