• butt buddies 好基友

    22-03-29 哥们太铁,同食同寝,在他人看来基情四射,这样的朋友就被称为butt buddies。 Butt buddies is a term used to describe very very very close friends of the same sex. Almost as if they were gay but they certainly arent gay. Often seen together 24/7. 烟屁股...

  • 一些毒舌损人的话 上

    22-03-07 (1)So much spice, so much pain. 嘴巴这么毒,内心一定有很多苦。 这里的so much spice可以说是五味杂陈的意思,感受复杂而说不清楚,宝宝心里苦...

  • 美国少年六年不使用社交媒体获母亲奖励1800美元

    22-02-28 在现代社会,无论大人还是小孩,沉迷于社交媒体无法自拔的比比皆是。一名母亲在目睹了社交媒体对女儿们的影响后,给自己12岁的儿子出了一个狠招,只要儿子六年不用社交媒体,就在他18岁生日那天给他1800美元的奖励。 If someone said theyd pay you $1,800 to stay off...

  • 比利时新规:员工下班可 “断联”

    22-02-23 The makings of a Belgian shepherds pie. Delphine, a civil servant, is preparing dinner for her friends. With a life outside of work, she welcomes ways to help people switch off. 这是在烹制比利时版的牧羊人馅饼。公务员黛尔芬正在为她的朋友们准备晚餐。...

  • 走亲访友时如何跟朋友们聊天

    22-02-18 1. 当朋友重聚,不可避免的要出去耍耍: Hey, man, do you want to hang out tonight? 嘿,老兄,今晚想出去逛逛吗? 下面两种表达也可以: Its been two years since we last saw each other. Lets hang out tonight. 距我们上次见面都两年了,晚上一起聚聚吧! Are y...

  • 会后告别

    22-02-15 G: Thanks for everything. What a nice party! H: Thank you. Im so glad you could make it. G: Say hello to your friends for me. H: Likewise. Take care! See you later! G: Thanks. Bye! Im so glad you could make it含义为很高兴你能来,likewise本意是同样的...

  • 高兴

    22-02-09 如果happy的开心指数是2星,jubilant是4星,那么ecstatic当之无愧的就是全5星的幸福开心了,也就是我们中文所说的狂喜。 如果有一天你彩票中了500万,你就可以说: Im ecstatic that I won the jackpot! 来看一段形容心情愉悦的话: I feel blessed to have such good f...

  • hit it off 一拍即合

    22-01-22 一拍即合,汉语成语,意思是一打拍子就合上了曲子的节奏;比喻一相遇即十分合适、融洽,也比喻因情意相投,一下子就说到一起或结合在一起。与英文俗语hit it off意思相近,表示form an immediate, positive connection with someone;quickly become good friends with...

  • 是否存在一辈子的朋友?

    22-01-05 我们都需要朋友,但友谊是一成不变的吗?生活的变迁意味着我们的朋友圈也会发生变化。哪些人是泛泛之交?哪些人才是推心置腹的挚友? Who do you count as your friends? From our BFF to a work mate, its good to have someone to chew the fat with or offer comfor...

  • make up and be friends again 握手言欢

    21-12-29 握手言欢,汉语成语,意思是握手谈笑(hold hands and chat cheerfully),多形容发生不和,以后又和好。可以翻译为make up and be friends again,shake hands and make up a quarrel等。 例句: 他俩拌过嘴,但已经握手言欢。 They quarreled, but they shook hands...