• laze 尘霾

    22-09-28 在夏威夷大岛(Big Island)上,基拉韦厄火山已经爆发了数周。火山熔岩一直燃烧着流向太平洋,在太平洋里,熔岩把海水蒸发,大片水气混合着熔岩杂质形成火山灰蒸气,即lava haze(熔岩霾)或laze。这种飘升之物会损伤肺部,损害皮肤,更不用说会有酸雨和空气污染了。 L...

  • 琼州海峡轮渡服务周一恢复正常

    18-02-26 The emergency response has ended as ferry services on the Qiongzhou Strait in south Chinas Hainan Province returned to normal Monday, according to local authorities. 海南省政府表示,琼州海峡轮渡服务周一恢复正常,应急响应宣告结束。 Rare heavy fog tha...

  • 海南大雾滞留旅客10万名

    18-02-22 A heavy fog has disrupted ferry services on the Qiongzhou Strait in south China, stranding over 100,000 passengers and more than 10,000 cars in Hainan island, local authorities said Wednesday, the last day of Spring Festival holiday. 海南省政府周三...

  • 穿越时空

    16-03-09 I was leaving my driveway to drive one mile to town. There were woods and few houses along the way. I had just pulled out and there was a thick fog rolling in. Very creepy at night. I had only gone a half a block at most very slowly when I saw a ver...

  • 加州冬季吐尔雾的频率大幅下降

    14-05-22 California's winter tule fog -- hated by drivers, but needed by fruit and nut trees -- has declined dramatically over the past three decades, raising a red flag for the state's multibillion dollar agricultural industry, according to researchers at U...

  • I am blind

    14-04-16 It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People were trying to find their way about on foot bu...

  • 印度北方爆发寒潮 25人死亡

    12-12-26 At least 25 people have died in a cold snap sweeping across northern India. 一场寒潮席卷印度北部地区,至少25人因此死亡。 Heavy fog has disrupted train services The majority of deaths were in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana...

  • 蚊子在大雾中飞不起来

    12-11-20 Mosquitoes have the remarkable ability to fly in clear skies as well as in rain, shrugging off impacts from raindrops more than 50 times their body mass. But just like modern aircraft, mosquitoes also are grounded when the fog thickens. Researchers...
