• 《超能陆战队》第5章

    23-01-28 Tadashi came home the next day and stapled an SFIT poster over one of Hiros bot-fighting posters. It announced SFITs annual Tech Showcasethose entrants with the best tech would win admission to the school. Hiro read it and looked at Tadashi in disbe...

  • 《飞屋环游记》第9章

    23-01-28 Muntz glared at the three wet dogs standing before him. You lost them? he growled. He slammed his cane against the floor. It was Dug, Beta said quickly. Yeah, hes with them, Gamma agreed. He helped them escape! Muntz groaned in frustration, then sto...

  • 《怪兽大学》第26章

    23-01-20 Inside the door lab, Dean Hardscrabble had just pressed her finger on the power button and shut the door down. Don saw the light above the door go out and shouted, Theyre still in there! Until the CDA arrives, this door stays off, Hardscrabble order...

  • 《怪兽大学》第23章

    23-01-19 Sulley approached the Oozma simulator, cracked his huge knuckles, and entered the room. In the ROR simulator, Randy also entered, climbing the side of the room and disappearing against the wall. Sulley carefully crept up to the bed, slowly looming u...

  • 《怪兽大学》第20章

    23-01-19 It was late when Mike piled all the Oozmas into Ms. Squibbless car with Ms. Squibbless driving. After a long drive, Mike told her to pull into a dark parking lot. Thanks, Mom! Squishy said as the group climbed out and stretched. Ms. Squibbles waved....

  • 《怪兽大学》第18章

    23-01-19 The librarian rushed toward Sulley in a rage. Her huge tentacles were just about to wrap around his body when a loud pop-pop-pop noise sounded behind her. She whipped around, searching for the creature who dared destroy the silence of her library. I...

  • 《怪兽大学》第9章

    23-01-18 On the big day, Mike and Randy were nervous but determined. They quizzed each other as they headed toward the School of Scaring. From the ROR house across campus, Sulley saw Mike and scowled. I am going to wipe the floor with that little know-it-all...