• the forest floor 森林的地面

    21-12-28 通常来说,户外的地面叫做 the ground, 室内的地面而是 the floor. 不过有一个例外 例句 In a rainforest, only about 2% of the light that hits the tops of trees reaches the forest floor. The forest floor is fundamental to the whole ecosystem. It is where...

  • get in on the ground 抢占先机,先下手为强

    21-09-10 表达 get in on the ground 用来表示 从一开始就参与某个项目或计划,从而取得有利地位,通常用在商业领域,有 抢占先机,先下手为强 的意思。 例句 She invested in the company at the start, and now shes incredibly wealthy. She made the right decision to get...

  • wipe the floor with someone 让某人一败涂地

    21-09-10 非正式表达 wipe the floor with someone(用某人擦地板) 的实际意思是 在一场比赛中大胜对手,把对方打得一败涂地,它的引申含义是 获胜者在比赛中占绝对上风,立于不败之地。 例句 I cant believe how good she was at chess! She completely wiped the floor with...

  • have the floor 取得发言权,发言

    21-07-01 1. have the floor floor除了是地板、楼层,还表示(活动的)场所。 have the floor的意思是取得发言权,发言。 补充三个floor表达: take (to) the floor起身跳舞 take the floor开始发言 go through the floor降至很低的水平 2. easy on the eye 当你想到easy除了简...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 17

    21-02-24 On the other side of the house Buck found the mistress of the ranch and her two guests standing in a little group beside one of the dusty, discouraged-looking flower-beds. As he appeared they all glanced toward him, and a troubled, almost frightened...

  • 包含earth、world、ground、floor的习语表达

    20-12-05 1. The horse wasnt favoured to win the race, but in the end _______ the other horses and won! a) wiped the earth with b) wiped the world with c) wiped the ground with d) wiped the floor with 2. I didnt study much at all for my exams, so now Ive got...

  • 世界最长玻璃桥周日将向公众开发

    17-12-22 The worlds longest glassfloor bridge will open to the public on Sunday in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province. 世界上最长的玻璃地板桥周日将向公众开发,该桥坐落于河北石家庄。 The bridge, which stretches 488 meters, is 2 meters wide and hangs 218 meters (abo...

  • Otherhood

    16-07-29 Otherhood D. A. Powell I spent a long time preparing to be an other. Evening classes at the church in the basement with my partner (he wanted to be an other too) panting on the floor. Breathe. Breathe. We didnt fit in with the other others. But we w...

  • glass floor 玻璃地板

    16-07-27 A new research shows that there is a glass floor that inhibits social mobility as much as the glass ceiling. 一项新的研究发现,我们的社会还存在一个玻璃地板,和玻璃屋顶一样阻止着社会流动性。 The Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission said bette...

  • The Doubles

    16-05-17 The Doubles Kara van de Graaf In the dressing room at Macys, I run into all my old bodies. We are reunited when I hear them shuffling in the walls, sense them beneath the dirty carpet. Their hips lurching out of drywall. Their breasts swelling again...