• 利用磁悬浮原理的空中盆栽

    16-02-05 Humans seem to be obsessed with things that float, like hoverboards, UFOs and levitating Bluetooth speakers. A Kickstarter project wants to extend that love for the defiance of gravity to plant life. Air Bonsai uses the power of magnetic levitation...

  • 英国游泳教师能直立漂浮水中不下沉

    15-02-13 A swimming teacher claims she is a human buoy - because she can float upright in water without sinking. 一名游泳教师自称人肉游泳圈,因为她能够直立漂浮在水中,不会下沉。 Libby Tucker, 67, of Sheerness, Kent says she has been able to perform the trick...

  • 美国德州发生重大车祸 4人死亡

    12-11-16 A freight train in Texas has crashed into a parade float, killing four people and injuring 16 others. 美国德克萨斯州一列货运车撞上游行花车,造成4人死亡、16人受伤。 There were 26 people on the float that was hit by the train The crash happened at a r...

  • 水可以漂浮在油上

    12-04-05 Defying thousands of years of conventional wisdom, scientists are reporting that it is possible for water to float on oil, a discovery they say has important potential applications in cleaning up oil spills that threaten seashores and fisheries. The...
