• 三星S5手机将加入指纹技术

    14-02-25 The next iteration of Samsung's Galaxy smartphone range will feature biometric security, the company has announced. 三星下一代Galaxy系列智能手机将加入仿生安全技术。 In a similar way to Apple's iPhone 5, the main button on the front of the device dou...

  • iPhone5S指纹识别能变革手机安全功能?

    13-09-13 苹果公司最近发布的iPhone5S带有指纹识别功能,该公司表示这种接触式身份识别系统会彻底革新智能手机安全功能,取代传统的密码体系。不过,相关领域的研究人员却表示,指纹识别技术并不完美,并没有比四个数字的密码安全多少。 Apple unveiled the fingerprint scanner...

  • fingerprint identification instrument 指纹识别仪

    13-03-18 Authorities are instructed to provide exam takers with standard stationery and make fingerprint identification instruments available in areas where the financial situation allows. 经济条件允许的地区可以为考生提供统一标准的文具,并在考场配备指纹识别...

  • fingerprint comparison 指纹比对

    11-11-30 Shi has lived in Beijing for four years. He allegedly entered the Palace Museum as a tourist and conducted the theft for money. He was identified by police through fingerprint comparison . 嫌疑犯石柏魁在北京已经居住了四年。他称自己是以游客身份进入故...

  • 欧盟要求英国解释学生刷指纹现象

    10-12-18 欧洲议会近日致函英国有关方面,要求对其国内中小学要求在校学生刷指纹的普遍做法给出合理解释,欧洲议会认为此举违反了欧盟有关隐私保护的法律。 The European Commission has demanded Britain justifies the widespread and routine(日常的,例行的) fingerprinti...

  • 中国妇女“假指纹”愚弄日本入境检查机关

    09-12-08 A Chinese woman managed to enter Japan illegally by having plastic surgery to alter her fingerprints, thus fooling immigration controls, police claim. 日本警方宣称,一名中国妇女通过整形手术改变了她的指纹,因此愚弄了入境检查机关,得以非法进入日本。 A...

  • New Fingerprint Technology Developed

    09-10-28 Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists are using a new technique to see fingerprints on surfaces that typically make them invisible. The method uses a technology called mini- X-ray fluorescence(X射线荧光光谱仪) to detect chemical elements in fi...

  • 'Fingerprints' identify cheetahs 研究:“趾纹”助识别猎豹

    09-09-24 Conservationists have developed a new technique to identify cheetahs in the wild from just their paw prints. 环境保护者发明了一种在野外根据爪印辨别猎豹的新方法。 One of a kind, a cheetah's paw print The technique works in a similar way to that which...

  • DNA fingerprinting 25 years old DNA指纹鉴定问世25年

    09-09-10 The scientist behind DNA fingerprinting has called for a change to the law governing DNA databases on the 25th anniversary of his discovery. DNA指纹鉴定方面的科学家在此方法问世25周年之际请求修改管理DNA数据库的法律。 Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys is ba...
