• 阿里巴巴将推出突破性家庭娱乐平台

    15-07-14 Alibaba has partnered with Chinese broadcaster Hunan TV and film production and distribution company DMG Entertainment to launch the country's first home entertainment platform. 阿里巴巴与湖南广电以及DMG娱乐传媒合作推出中国首个家庭娱乐平台。 The pac...

  • Hello Kitty动画电影将于2019年上映

    15-07-12 Hello Kitty will appear in an animated feature set for release in 2019, according to an article by Deadline. The white Japanese bobtail cat with a red bow and six symmetrical whiskers will star in the film project with an estimated budget of $160 mi...

  • 中国将庆祝抗日战争胜利70周年

    15-07-07 China will host a series of activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in the next three months. 在未来的三个月内,中国将举行一系列的活动庆祝中国人民抗日战争胜...

  • 《横冲直撞好莱坞》周末票房2600万美元

    15-06-29 Action Comedy movie Hollywood Adventures has earnt $26 million at the box office this weekend. 动作喜剧片《横冲直撞好莱坞》上周末票房2600万美元。 This ranks the film as the 9th biggest opening for a Chinese language film this year. Directed by Timot...

  • 《五十度灰》新书将于6月18日面世

    15-06-12 What's the perfect gift for fans still all tied up in Fifty Shades of Grey? A new book, of course. 对《五十度灰》的粉丝来说最好的礼物是什么?当然是同系列新书了。 Writer E.L. James announced on her Instagram account Monday that a new Fifty Shades boo...

  • 戛纳电影节主席赞扬中国电影产业的发展

    15-05-26 The President of the Cannes Film Festival has praised the diverse film production in China. 戛纳电影节主席赞扬了中国多样化的电影制作。 In a recent interview with Xinhua, Pierre Lescure, said a new model is being built within Chinese film making, and...

  • Red carpet moocher 毯星

    15-05-26 Red carpet moochers refer to those actresses dressing glamorously and walking the red carpet of international film festivals. They usually did't appear in any of the films. 毯星指的是那些在各大国际电影节上衣着高调走红毯,却两手空空、没有作品的女明星...

  • ridiculous anti-Japan play 抗战神剧

    15-05-26 Fighting Together Against the Devils, a ridiculous anti-Japan play has been pulled off the air by the country's top film, TV and radio watchdog, as it shows a female character hiding a grenade in her pants while visiting her husband in a jail guarde...

  • 成龙影视传媒学院成立

    15-05-25 Kung Fu star Jackie Chan is to serve as dean of his college, the Film and Television Academy in Wuhan. 功夫巨星成龙将担任他自己的学校成龙影视传媒学院的院长。 The Jackie Chan Film and Television Academy of the Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences w...

  • 李娜自传电影将于2015年秋开始拍摄

    15-05-20 A heroine breaking the rules to reach the top, who never gave up on her impossible dream. 打破陈规的李娜从未放弃她那不可能的梦想,最终成就了自己的事业巅峰。 Not the plot of an action blockbuster, but the premise for the latest film immortalizing the...