• compassion fatigue 同情疲劳

    22-10-12 经历过太多感同身受的同情后,我们有时会产生淡漠情绪。比如在应对了太频繁或太多次慈善诉求后,而对苦难中的人们表示冷漠,这就是同情疲劳。 Compassion fatigue, also known as secondary traumatic stress (STS), is a condition characterized by a gradual lessen...

  • 春困

    22-04-06 春困这一现象,在英语中可被译为spring fatigue或spring lethargy,有时也被称作spring fever。 据维基百科解释,春困是指与春季来临有关的疲劳、精力下降或抑郁的状态。这种状态也许是对气温升高的正常反应,可能有医学依据,如过敏或 逆向季节性情感障碍等。 Spring...

  • decision fatigue 决策疲劳

    16-07-27 Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual, after a long session of decision making. 决策疲劳指一个人在做了一长串的决策之后决策质量开始下降的状态。 It is now understood as one of the causes of irrational...

  • frugal fatigue 节俭疲劳

    15-03-16 Frugal fatigue refers to mental exhaustion caused by constant frugality during hard economic times. 节俭疲劳指的是经济困难时期长时间节俭引发的心理疲劳。 A strong Black Friday would induce consumers to relax the spending restraint they have exercised...

  • perfection fatigue 完美疲劳症

    14-04-18 Perfection fatigue refers to mental exhaustion and stress caused by constantly trying to present oneself as perfect, or by constantly seeing images of perfection. Perfection fatigue(完美疲劳症)指由于不断追求自我完美表现或者因为不断看到完美的图像而...

  • information fatigue syndrome 信息疲劳综合征

    14-01-22 Information fatigue syndrome (IFS) refers to the weariness and stress that result from having to deal with excessive amounts of information. 信息疲劳综合征(information fatigue syndrome,IFS)指因需要处理过多数量的信息而导致的倦怠和压力。 A new phen...

  • 慢性疲劳综合症由压力引起

    12-11-26 Australian researchers have discovered for the first time that reduced heart rate variability -- or changes in heart beat timing -- best predicts cognitive disturbances, such as concentration difficulties commonly reported by people with chronic fat...

  • 团队协作有助于缓解疲劳

    11-08-18 Fatigue can lead to dangerous errors by doctors, pilots and others in high-risk professions, but individuals who work together as a team display better problem-solving skills than those who face their fatigue alone, new research shows. Teams appear...

  • ME virus discovery raises hopes 慢性疲劳症研究获重大突破

    09-10-11 US scientists say they have made a potential breakthrough in understanding what causes the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or ME. 美国科学家称,他们已经发现导致慢性疲劳症的重大突破。 Some sufferers of ME have such severe symptoms t...
