• 《黑豹》经典台词

    20-09-10 1. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. 然危机四伏之时,智者筑桥,愚者设障。 2. A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father. 身为人父,倘若无法令其子女欣然接受其离世,...

  • 英国流行性感单身爸爸小说

    17-07-03 Publishers are reporting a surge in demand among fiction fans for tales of hot single dads. 出版商报告称,书虫们对性感单身爸爸题材的小说需求量大增。 MillsBoon first spotted the trend earlier this year, pointing out that steamy novels about hot daddi...

  • 大鹏新片《父子雄兵》7月21日上映

    17-06-20 After rising to fame with his directorial debut of A Hero or Not,, actor-director Dong Chengpengs new film Father and Son is set to hit Chinese theatres July 21, 2017. 导演处女作《煎饼侠》让演员兼导演董成鹏声名鹊起,他的新片《父子雄兵》将于7月21日上...

  • Beauty and The Beast

    17-04-12 When Bob found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So one evening he went to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty t...

  • 英国男孩已故父亲送的自行车失而复得

    16-12-10 This is the heartwarming moment a boy who had a bike given to him by his late father stolen by thieves saw that it had been returned. 近日,在一个小男孩身上发生了感人的一幕,小偷偷走了男孩已故父亲送给他的自行车,但后来又还了回来。 Nine-year-old Jame...

  • 意大利离异妈妈当儿子面骂爸爸被罚款

    16-11-04 A mother has been fined 30,000 by an Italian court for criticising her ex-husband in front of their son. 一位离了婚的妈妈在儿子面前指责他爸,被意大利法庭判处罚金3万欧元。 The mother had custody over their youngster and a civil tribunal claimed the w...

  • Are Flies Yummy? 苍蝇好吃吗?

    16-08-25 Tony and his father are eating dinner. Suddenly Tony asks his father, Dad, are flies yummy? Dad frowns and says, No, I think its yucky. Why do you ask me this question? Its a silly question. But Tony says, There was one fly in your plate. 托尼正和他...

  • Mad 疯狂类情绪

    16-07-07 初级词汇 critical(挑剔的), hateful(可恶的), selfish(自私的), angry(生气的), hostile(不友善的), hurt(受伤的) 高级词汇 skeptical(多疑的), irritated(恼怒的), jealous(妒忌的), frustrated(挫败的), sarcastic(讥讽的), distant(疏远的...

  • Give Me a Dollar 给我一元钱

    16-05-12 Son: Dad, give me a dime. Father: Son, dont you think youre getting too big to be forever begging for dimes? Son: I guess youre right, Dad. Give me a dollar, will you? 儿子:爸爸,给我1角钱。 父亲:儿子呀,你不觉得你已经长大了,不应该再这样1角1角地...

  • Staring Me In The Face <6>

    16-04-21 So you never knew whether it was a boy or ...? A girl? asked Malcolm. I nodded. A boy, he said. Had the approximate date and went to the Registry of Births to look it up. I sat there, trying to take in what Malcom had said. I felt as though Id been...