• The third,you may 第三只鸡留着自己吃

    14-08-19 A rich farmer's son, who had been bred at the university, always came at Christmas, to visit his father and mother. One evening, they were all three at supper, and two fowls having been served up, he told them that, by logic and arithmetic, he could...

  • 广岛原子弹最后一位机组人员离世

    14-07-30 The last surviving member of the US air crew that dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima has died in Georgia aged 93. 在日本广岛投放原子弹的美国空军机组人员,其中最后一名生者近日逝于乔治亚州,享年93岁。 The Enola Gay was named after the mother of pilot...

  • Who's Afraid Now? 是谁害怕?

    14-07-29 A neighbor told us about a trip he took with his two-and-a-half-year-old son. It was the first time the father and the boy had been away by themselves. The first night they spent in a hotel, the father moved his bed close to the boy's and when they...

  • Dad

    14-07-15 The first memory I have of him -- of anything, really -- is his strength. It was in the late afternoon in a house under construction near ours. The unfinished wood floor had large, terrifying holes whose yawning darkness I knew led to nowhere good....

  • 谷歌员工女儿为父亲请假过生日 获批假一周

    14-06-27 美国谷歌公司一位员工的女儿为了不让爸爸在生日当天上班,亲自写假条给他的上司,该员工最后获批休假一周。 Sometimes all you have to do is ask. A Google employee is getting a week off work to spend with his young daughter thanks to an adorable(可爱的) n...

  • 偏激

    14-06-24 A person of the state of Lu looked very ugly. One day his father met Shang Duo who was noted fro being handsome on road. When he came back home, he said to his neighbor, Today I met Shang Duo, he is handsome, but compared with my son, he is not as h...

  • 美国25岁女孩带离世父亲人像一起旅游

    14-06-21 美国一位25岁的华裔女孩吉娜杨两年前失去了父亲,为了完成父亲生前憧憬的旅行,她用父亲的照片做了一个一比一大小的纸板人像,然后带着这个纸板老爸到欧洲旅行。 A woman whose father died before he could fulfill his travel dreams has paid tribute to him by mak...

  • 造父驾马车

    14-06-16 A father and a son were passing Zhao Fu's field when their horse got frightened and refused to move. The sweating father and son went to ask for Zhao Fu's help to push the cart. Zhao Fu said yes and put his hoe(锄头) on the cart and took over the...

  • I you she

    14-06-12 Peter was a clever boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words: I, You and She. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words. The teacher said, I, I am your teacher; (then pointing to a girl) She, She is your classmate;...

  • Story of the Barber's Fifth Brother 1

    14-06-11 As long as our father lived Alnaschar was very idle(懒散的) . Instead of working for his bread he was not ashamed to ask for it every evening, and to support himself next day on what he had received the night before. When our father died, worn out...