• fatberg 肥球

    15-02-25 A fatberg is a congealed lump of fat, sanitary items, wet wipes, and similar items found in sewer systems, which do not break down like toilet paper. 肥球是在下水道系统中发现的凝结的脂肪块,卫生用品,湿纸巾等类似物品。这些物品无法像厕纸那样被分解。...

  • 美国公司研发出可消除下巴赘肉的注射药物

    15-01-30 A U.S. company claims to have invented an injection which can banish that chin bulge. 一家美国公司宣称已经研发出一种可以消除下巴赘肉的注射药物。 ATX-101, an experimental drug made by California-based Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, is injected into the...

  • fappy 胖并快乐着

    14-12-17 Fappy is overweight and happy with one's life. (fat + happy) 胖并快乐着即虽胖但活得快乐。(fat+happy) Example: I am very fappy. I'm very fat and happy right now. 我现在胖并快乐着,很胖很快乐。...

  • 大量摄入反式脂肪会使男性记忆衰退

    14-11-26 High trans fat consumption is linked to worse memory among working-age men, according to research presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2014. In a recent study of approximately 1,000 healthy men, those who consumed the mo...

  • 分子途径mTORC1控制脂肪的转换

    14-06-10 Scientists have reported that a molecular pathway called mTORC1 controls the conversion of unhealthy white fat into beige(浅褐色的) fat, an appealing target for increasing energy expenditure and reducing obesity. The team, led by researchers from...

  • 北极熊对高脂肪食物的适应力值得研究

    14-05-09 A comparison of the genomes of polar bears and brown bears reveals that the polar bear is a much younger species than previously believed, having diverged from brown bears less than 500,000 years ago. The analysis also uncovered several genes that m...

  • fat talk 肥胖谈话

    14-04-18 Fat talk refers to conversations in which women criticise their body shape, despite often not being overweight. Fat talk(肥胖谈话)指女同胞之间以抱怨身材不好为话题的闲聊,虽然她们本身都并不算胖。 The overwhelming majority of college women - 93% - e...

  • 瘦蛋白控制鸟类体脂肪的存储

    14-03-26 How does the Arctic tern (a sea bird) fly more than 80,000 miles in its roundtrip(往返) North Pole-to-South Pole migration? How does the Emperor penguin incubate(孵化) eggs for months during the Antarctic winter without eating? How does the Rufo...

  • Cat and Mouse in Partnership

    14-03-19 A certain cat had made the acquaintance of a mouse, and had said so much to her about the great love and friendship she felt for her, that at length the mouse agreed that they should live and keep house together. But we must make a provision for win...

  • 美国最新减肥利器 人体脂肪模型

    14-02-16 春节过后肚腩见长,想要减肥却没有动力?不妨试试最新的减肥利器人体脂肪模型。 A website has begun selling a single pound of human fat to anyone considering a second helping of bacon(腌肉) at breakfast. This stomach churning product may look like the...