• Fat Man and Thin Man 饥荒可能是你造成的

    12-02-03 A very thin man met a very fat man in the hotel lobby. From your looks, said the fat man, there might have been a famine. Yes, was the reply, and from your looks, you might have caused it. 在旅馆大厅里,一个非常瘦的人遇到了一个非常胖的人。 胖子说:...

  • 社交活动有利于身材苗条

    11-09-11 Keeping a busy social life amongst lots of friends may keep people slimmer than spending hours on a treadmill, according to scientists. 科学家研究发现,与在跑步机上锻炼几个小时相比,跟朋友一起参加社交活动更有利于保持苗条身材。 They say that socialis...

  • 科学家发现白脂肪转变褐脂肪的生物开关

    11-09-07 Scientists have discovered a biological switch that gives energy-storing white fat the characteristics of energy-burning brown fat. The findings could lead to new strategies for treating obesity. The animal study by researchers at The Ohio State Uni...

  • 调味料能减少高脂肪饮食的副作用

    11-08-11 Eating a diet rich in spices, like turmeric(姜黄) and cinnamon(肉桂) , reduces the body's negative responses to eating high-fat meals, according to Penn State researchers. Normally, when you eat a high-fat meal, you end up with high levels of tr...

  • Roast Pig 烤乳猪

    11-08-02 A gentleman was invited for dinner. When he hurried there and sat down, he was happy to see a roast pig in front of his seat: Not bad, I am next to the pig. But then he noticed the angry fat lady sitting next to him. He faked a smile and added: Oh I...

  • 女友变胖 半数男人将选择分手

    11-07-30 Step away from that cookie if you want to keep your boyfriend, ladies. 女人们,要想留住自己的男朋友,就离小甜饼远点吧。 A new survey has found that nearly half of men would dump a woman who gained too much weight. The poll, of 70,000 people across t...

  • Fat Finger Disease 胖手指病

    11-06-23 When you interface with any kind of computer that requires manual input (whether by keyboard, or a touch screen) there is the chance for making a mistake. Such mistakes are playfully called Fat Finger Disease . 我们在操作需要手工输入的电脑(不管是键...

  • 减免饱和脂肪伤害的蛋白质被发现

    10-12-01 A new report in the December Cell Metabolism identifies a protein without which diets high in saturated fat(饱和脂肪) lead to a massive inflammatory(炎症的) response that can prove fatal. The studies in mice suggest that deficiencies in this pro...

  • 控制女性性成熟的基因同时影响脂肪代谢

    10-11-23 An international group of scientists, including researchers at the Medical Research Council (MRC), has discovered 30 genes that control the age at which girls reach sexual maturity. They found that many of the genes responsible for puberty(青春期,...

  • 人体生物钟控制着脂肪代谢

    10-11-16 UC Irvine researchers have discovered that circadian rhythms(生物周期) the internal body clock regulate fat metabolism. This helps explain why people burn fat more efficiently at certain times of day and could lead to new pharmaceuticals(药物) f...