• Hello Kitty迎来40周岁生日

    14-11-07 日本卡通形象Hello Kitty11月1日迎来40周岁生日,世界各地粉丝举办庆祝活动,为这一酷萌偶像庆生。 A cute-a-bration has broken out among Hello Kitty fans, as the beloved Japanese character marks its 40th year. Since introducing Hello Kitty in 1974, the Sanr...

  • twelfth man 球迷

    14-08-14 The term twelfth man is used to refer to the fans of a football team. Each team in football has 11 players on the pitch, but if the fans are particularly loud in their support they can help their team, they can encourage them. 第12名队员用来统指足球...

  • 巴西球迷用1950年门票换决赛入场券

    14-07-06 Brazilian soccer fan Joedir Sancho Belmonte missed the 1950 World Cup final to stay home with his sick mother. Sixty-four years later, Belmonte exchanged his original unused ticket for three new tickets to the 2014 final. 1950年巴西首次承办世界杯,...

  • 美国球队举办“苏亚雷斯尖牙之夜”烧烤野餐

    14-06-27 The 167 bettors who cashed in on the Luis Suarez's latest bite aren't the only ones who will benefit from the incident. 167名球迷因赛前下注苏亚雷斯咬人而获利,但他们并非唯一因此次事件受益者。 The National Premier Soccer League's Fort Worth Vaqueros...

  • 巴西世界杯球鞋颜色像彩虹般显眼

    14-06-27 Over the years, soccer has gone through a number of memorable, if often regrettable, fashion trends. 近几年来,足球经历了一些值得纪念的,或者更多是一些昙花一现的风尚。 There was the alarming popularity of short shorts; the odd fixation onpuffy, blou...

  • 运动队的忠实粉丝对对手代言的广告不买帐

    13-11-13 A new study concludes that it doesn't matter how compelling an advertisement may be, most die-hard Oregon State Beavers fans will simply not purchase a product associated with the Oregon Ducks. Researchers at Oregon State University and California S...

  • 米歇尔向电视台索要《唐顿庄园》提前观看

    12-11-18 The reelection is won, so it's no wonder Michelle Obama is looking for some relaxing entertainment to get through those four more years. 美国总统奥巴马连任成功后,米歇尔终于可以找些让人放松的娱乐活动来消遣,度过未来的四年时光了。 And the first lady...

  • Zombies 僵尸粉

    12-08-30 Zombies are artificial followers that can be bought and sold online for as little as 4 yuan a thousand. 僵尸粉就是指那些可以在网上以每1000个4元的便宜价格进行买卖的虚假粉丝。 文中的zombies就是指僵尸粉,也称为zombie fans或者phantom fans(幽灵粉丝),...

  • Lady Gaga的Facebook粉丝超千万

    10-07-06 Lady Gaga has become the first living person to have more than 10 million fans on Facebook with her tally standing at 10,673,476 (5 July). Lady Gaga成为Facebook上首位拥有超过1000万粉丝的在世明星,统计数字达到10,673,476(7月5日)。 Lady Gaga will tou...

  • 东京举行球迷尖叫大赛

    10-06-05 日前,日本助威国家队球迷尖叫大赛在东京热烈举行,受到了广大球迷的热烈追捧。他们拼尽全力,用最高分贝的尖叫,来表达对日本国家男足的支持。最终,尖叫goal(进球)长达32秒的中山纪夫在91名参赛球迷中脱颖而出,成为冠军。 Football fans in Japan warmed up for t...