• Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 7

    14-09-28 MY first quarter at Lowood seemed an age; and not the golden age either; it comprised an irksome struggle with difficulties in habituating myself to new rules and unwonted tasks. The fear of failure in these points harassed me worse than the physica...

  • 喜力拒绝南非米勒的收购请求

    14-09-15 Dutch brewing giant Heineken has rejected a takeover offer from London brewer SABMiller saying the proposal is non-actionable. 荷兰酿酒巨头喜力啤酒拒绝了伦敦南非米勒酿酒公司的收购请求,称对方的提议不可能执行。 Heineken said it had consulted with its...

  • 1/3的男性科学家愿为家庭放弃事业

    14-09-15 One third of men in academic science are willing to scale back their careers to focus on family life, according to researchers. While traditional fatherhood roles may be shifting, men in the male-dominated field of academic science, such as physics...

  • 记者遭斩首仍打高尔夫 奥巴马受批评

    14-09-12 US President Barack Obama admitted he should have expected to be criticized for hitting the links on the same day that he addressed the beheading of American journalist James Foley and spoke with his family. 美国记者福利8月间遭伊斯兰国恐怖分子斩首,...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 2

    14-09-05 That such a family, thus cursorily presented, might have a different and somewhat peculiar history could well beanticipated, and it would be true. Indeed, this one presented one of those anomalies of psychic and social reflexand motivation such as w...

  • 自己动手做家宴对很多家庭均有压力

    14-09-04 Magazines, television and other popular media increasingly urge families to return to the kitchen, stressing the importance of home-cooked meals and family dinners to physical health and family well-being. But new research findings from North Caroli...

  • Kidnapped 诱拐 Chapter 1

    14-09-04 Chapter 1 David meets his uncle It was early in the month of June, 1751, when I shut the door of our house behind me for the last time. All my life I had lived in the quiet little village of Essendean, in the Lowlands of Scotland, where my father ha...

  • 英国外交大臣辞职 称12万镑不够过活

    14-08-15 A Government minister has quit politics claiming he cannot live in London on his salary and expenses of nearly 120,000. 英国外交国务大臣马克西蒙兹已经离开政坛,并称近12万英镑的年薪在伦敦根本不够过活。 Mark Simmonds said he was quitting as a Foreign...

  • 女人25岁时最快乐

    14-08-15 一项调查发现,女人25岁时最快乐,而34岁时最郁闷,因为同时应对工作和家庭生活让她们压力山大。相比三十多岁的女人,二十多岁的女人对自己体重、相貌和社交生活的担忧都比较少。 Women aged 25 such as Daisy Lowe and Emma Stone are at their happiest while 34-yea...

  • 英国父母给三胞胎涂指甲油进行分辨

    14-08-10 Whenever identical twins or triplets are born their parents will often be met with a cry of 'how do you tell them apart?' 每当同卵的双胞胎或三胞胎诞生后,他们的父母都会面临一个棘手的问题:怎么分辨他们几个呢? Well, one family have come up with their...