• 生活给你灌了哪些毒鸡汤

    22-04-15 1. Never tell people 100%, tell them 70% about yourself, and 30% should be hidden. 不要对别人全盘托出,只告诉他们70%,剩下的30%应该隐藏起来。 2. Anyone you love can die. Any time. Cherish them. 你爱的每一个人随时都可能逝去,请珍惜他们。 3. Fairness...

  • fair作形容词时的四个含义

    22-02-23 单词fair在搭配a fair deal、a fair chance、fair hair和a fair understanding中,意思是完全不同的。 用法总结 1 形容词fair可以表示合理的,公平的,公正的。 I sold my car for 2000 it was a fair deal. What? Thats not fair. 1.75 for a cup of coffee seems a f...

  • to be fair 其实/不过

    22-02-08 To be frank 这个短语和to be honest的意思一致,可以互相替换。 To be frank, I dont like your favorite writer. 其实我不是很喜欢你最喜欢的作家。 To be fair 其实/不过(字面解释:公平的来说) 这里的转折是当你想为一件事或一个人做解释的时候。当别人对这件事...

  • cloud job fair 云选会

    20-09-11 首批6000家单位参加、面向海内外高层次人才和高校毕业生提供10万余个岗位的云选会于3月16日在上海启动。参加首批云选会活动的包括全球500强企业、大型国企、知名外企、高新技术企业、科创板上市企业等,还有亟须高层次人才的事业单位。 Shanghai on Monday launched a...

  • 北京国际图书博览会本周三正式开展

    17-08-23 This years Beijing International Book Fair is officially kicking off on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017. 2017年北京国际图书博览会已于本周三正式开展。 The 24th edition of the event is now jointly held with this years Beijing International Book Festival...

  • 美国首次参加古巴工业博览会

    16-06-17 A 43-member delegation from the United States will for the first time participate in Cubaindustria, an industrial fair aimed at drumming up foreign investment in Cuba, organizers said Thursday. 美国一支43人代表组成的队伍将首次参加古巴工业博览会,该...

  • 公平处事的老板容易疲惫

    14-03-31 Everyone wants their boss to play fair, but new research suggests that while doing so might make employees happy, it's not always so great for the boss. Specifically, bosses who are fair make their workers happier and their companies more productive...

  • 美国小丑扮演奥巴马被禁演

    13-08-19 The Missouri State Fair on Monday imposed a lifetime ban on a rodeo clown whose depiction of President Barack Obama getting charged by a bull was widely criticized by Democratic and Republican officials alike. 据美国媒体8月13日报道,美国一名小丑因在...

  • 破镜重圆

    12-07-25 During the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589), there lived a beautiful, intelligent princess name Lechang in the State Chen. She and her husband Xu Deyan loved each other dearly. But before long their country was in danger of being invaded by...

  • 首届离婚博览会将于意大利将举办

    10-05-08 Italy is holding its first divorce fair, offering services such as life coaching and beauty advice to a booming number of separating couples in the Catholic country. 意大利即将举办该国的首届离婚博览会,旨在为这个天主教国家不断增长的离婚人群提供生活...