• 儿童近视率上升

    22-11-03 儿童近视率上升的原因是什么?本文就现代生活方式对儿童视力的影响,以及矫正儿童视力的解决方案展开讨论。 Hows your eyesight? From the moment were born, our eyes grow, our vision becomes clearer and some of us will have normal or even 20:20 vision. Howev...

  • 习近平要求采取有效措施保护儿童的视力

    18-08-28 President Xi Jinping has pressed for effective measures to take care of Chinese childrens eyesight so that they will have a bright future. 中国国家主席习近平要求采取有效措施保护儿童的视力,让他们有一个光明的未来。 The high incidence of myopia among...

  • 近视新编

    15-07-16 In the past, there were two near-sighted men, Mr. A and Mr. B. They didn't admit they were near-sighted, but boasted about their good eyesight instead. One day, they heard that a new inscribed board was to be hung up in a temple, so they made an app...

  • 喝咖啡能拯救视力

    14-05-11 A daily cup of coffee can save your eyesight, scientists claim. 科学家称,每日一杯咖啡可以拯救你的视力。 A chemical found in the drink prevents deteriorating eyesight and possible blindness from retinal degeneration due to glaucoma(青光眼) , agein...

  • Parents 'ignoring eye sun danger' 父母忽略孩子眼睛易受太阳伤

    09-08-18 Three in four parents are risking their child's eyesight by exposing them to bright sun without appropriate protection, experts warn. 专家警告道,四分之三的父母将自己的孩子的双眼直接曝与日光之下而没有任何保护。 Some children may resist wearing sungl...
