• punish as a deterrent to others 杀一儆百

    21-07-30 杀一儆百,汉语成语,字面意思是处死一个人,借以警戒许多人(execute one as a warning to a hundred),比喻用惩罚一个人的办法来警告别的人。可以翻译为punish as a deterrent to others。 例句: 对他的惩罚但愿能起到杀一儆百的作用。 Hopefully his punishment w...

  • 童子军创始人“非法处决战俘”

    09-12-10 Documents suggesting that Boy Scout founder Lord Baden-Powell illegally executed a prisoner-of-war have been sold for 3,740. 文献资料显示,童子军创始人巴登鲍威尔勋爵非法处决战俘。 Baden-Powell founded the Scouting movement in 1907 Papers relating to...
