• Cigarette Etiquette 吸烟礼节

    22-10-10 要做一个文明的吸烟者,不光要清楚各项禁烟制度,同时也要熟悉吸烟礼节,如果对这些潜规则一无所知,自顾自的大大咧咧,只怕会招来他人嫌弃和厌恶的目光。 Cigarettiquette means Cigarette Etiquette, referring to the customary code of polite behaviour in societ...

  • cubicle etiquette 隔间礼仪

    16-07-27 Cubicle etiquette (or cubiquette) is a set of unwritten rules that exist in the workplace. Cubicle etiquette guidelines should be adhered to by both workers in the cubicle and people in adjoining work spaces. One of the main factors in cubicle etiqu...

  • digital etiquette 数码礼仪

    16-04-29 Despite being around for well over a decade, there are few set rules of digital etiquette that everyone can agree on when it comes to using social media, emails and text messages. 尽管进入数码时代已经十多年了,但在使用社交媒体、电邮和短信时大家都认...

  • On Etiquette

    13-04-16 Etiquette to society is what apparel(服装,衣服) is to the individual. Without apparel men would go in shameful nudity which would surely lead to the corruption of morals; and without etiquette society would be in a pitiable state and the necessar...

  • Miss Etiquette 礼仪小姐

    11-04-01 The final selection of Shanghai Expo Miss Etiquette was held in Hangzhou city, Zhe Jiang province on Jan 31, 2010. 上海世博会礼仪小姐选拔活动总决赛于2010年1月31日在浙江省杭州市启动。 在上面的报道中,Miss Etiquette就是我们所熟知的仪态万千的礼仪小姐,...
