• 《赛车总动员》第13章

    22-11-16 Later that night, Lightning found himself looking out at a herd of sleeping tractors. Mater, he said, Im not doing this. Oh, cmon, Mater urged, youll love it! Tractor tippings fun! When I say go, we go. But dont let Frank catch you. Go! Mater took o...

  • 关于车的英文表达

    22-06-07 1. I had a puncture when I was driving back from work. 我下班回家的时候车胎扎了。 2. My cars been having engine trouble recently. 我的车发动机最近经常出问题。 3. I left my car lights on and now the battery is flat. 我忘关车灯了。现在电都没了。 4. I...

  • 车辆购置税减半政策将使今年汽车销量增加200万台

    22-06-06 自从财政部和税务总局上周宣布部分乘用车减半征收车辆购置税的优惠政策后,多家汽车厂商相继推出购置税减免优惠和各种补贴来吸引顾客,据专家预计,这一优惠政策将使今年汽车销量增加200万台。 Chinas finance and taxation authorities announced last week to halve...

  • 《玩具总动员》第5章

    21-06-23 A few days later, Andy and his mom decided to take a break from packing to go to Andys favorite restaurant, Pizza Planet. Mrs. Davis told Andy that he could bring a toy. But only one. Woody wanted to be that toy. He sneaked a peek at Buzz, who was s...