• 以心脏振动为能源的起搏器或将问世

    12-03-05 A new power scheme for cardiac(心脏的) pacemakers turns to an unlikely source: vibrations from heartbeats themselves. Engineering researchers at the University of Michigan designed a device that harvests energy from the reverberation(混响,反射)...

  • 变形虫可能对光合作用的演化起关键作用

    12-02-28 The major difference between plant and animal cells is the photosynthetic(光合作用的) process, which converts light energy into chemical energy. When light isn't available, energy is generated by breaking down carbohydrates(碳水化物) and sugars,...

  • 英法将开展民用核能源发展合作

    12-02-17 The UK is to sign a deal with France to strengthen co-operation in the development of civil nuclear energy. 英国将与法国签署一项加强民用核能源发展的协议。 The government says it reiterates(重申) the UK's commitment to nuclear energy as part of a d...

  • 纳米涂层能使热传导加倍

    12-02-16 By adding an incredibly thin coating of alumina(氧化铝) to a metal surface, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have doubled the rate that heat travels from a solid surface -- such as a pot on a stove -- into the liquid in the pot....

  • 热量也可以记录信息

    12-02-08 An international team of scientists has demonstrated a revolutionary new way of magnetic recording which will allow information to be processed hundreds of times faster than by current hard drive technology. The researchers found they could record i...

  • 商标词汇 2

    12-02-06 1: Mah-Jongg 麻将 Mah-jongg (spelled with one or two gs) is a game of Chinese origin in which players try to create winning hands from a set of domino-like tiles. The game was imported to the U.S. after World War I by Joseph P. Babcock, who also coi...

  • ATP酶“两班制”式工作

    12-02-01 A team of researchers led by Michigan State University has discovered an overachieving plant enzyme that works both the day and night shifts. The discovery, featured in the current issue of Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, shows tha...

  • 纳米微粒的三位视图

    12-01-09 Just 100 nanometers in diameter, nanowires are often considered one-dimensional. But researchers at Northwestern University have recently reported that individual gallium nitride(氮化镓) nanowires show strong piezoelectricity(压电) -- a type of...

  • 减少空调用电 男士可解下领带

    11-12-24 为推广节能,智利近日推出新举措,呼吁男士解下领带,以减少空调用电。 It's the Chilean government's latest slogan: Welcome to Chile, take off your tie. But it's not an invitation to sit down and relax it's a call to save energy. As the summer kicks off...

  • 人类从古至今都在向大气释放水银

    11-12-19 In pursuit of riches and energy over the last 5,000 years, humans have released into the environment 385,000 tons of mercury, the source of numerous health concerns, according to a new study that challenges the idea that releases of the metal are on...