• 最佳病假理由 呕吐

    15-11-15 While more than half of bosses are skeptical of employees who phone in sick, a new study has revealed what is most likely to earn you the day in bed - and it's not having the sniffles. 虽然超过一半的老板会对员工的病假电话表示怀疑,但一个最新的调查揭...

  • 求职者名字将不是英国雇主的考虑因素

    15-11-01 Major employers including the NHS, BBC and civil service will consider young people's job applications without looking at their names in a bid to end race discrimination. NHS、BBC和政府行政机构等主要的雇主将在不看求职者名字的前提下考虑年轻人的职位申...

  • 广东省拟对工资发放日期出台新规定

    15-06-15 Authorities in south China's Guangdong province are mulling over new regulations which would mean that employers have to pay workers' salaries before the 10th of the next month, and violators would face a maximum fine of 200,000 yuan, reports Shenzh...

  • 商业流行词会让雇主失去兴趣

    15-01-25 They may be some of the most heavily-used terms by desperate hopefuls on The Apprentice, but new research suggests business buzzwords are actually a turn-off to potential employers. 有些词你总能从求职真人秀节目《飞黄腾达》中那些急切的候选者口中听到...

  • 80%女性面试时对产假方案避而不谈

    14-11-16 What would you ask potential employers about in a job interview? Your salary, holiday allowance, pension plan or healthcare benefits, perhaps. But would you ask about the company's maternity package? 在面试中你会问潜在雇主什么问题呢?或许是你的薪水...

  • 面试时雇主不得涉及的五个问题

    14-05-03 If you're looking for a new job, you know you're going to have to answer some tough questions in the interview process. But did you know there are some questions that are illegal for employers to ask you? 如果你正在找工作,那你一定很清楚,面试过程中...

  • contractor 劳务派遣工

    13-01-16 The bill also includes an article requiring agencies and employers to follow the principle of equal pay for equal work when negotiating payment for their contractors . 该草案还包括以下条例:劳务派遣单位及用工单位在协商劳务派遣工的工资时应遵守同工同...

  • soft benefit 软福利

    12-12-28 Soft benefit is a type of non-monetary compensation offered by employers to members of their staff for performing their jobs. Many senior employees are offered a valuable soft benefit or perk like a company car instead of money as part of their over...

  • 雇主更倾向雇佣自己喜欢的员工

    12-12-03 Employers are more likely to hire people they fancy, researchers claim, as they find leisure pursuits, background and self-presentation are more important than skills. 研究人员称,雇主更倾向于雇佣自己喜欢的员工,因为他们觉得消遣方式、社会背景以及自...
