• 动物也有情感吗

    22-07-22 人类有着复杂多样的情感,动物也一样吗?研究表明,不论大小,每种体型的动物都能体会到某种感受。我们是否应更具同理心? When you encounter animals, do you wonder what theyre thinking? Seeing a newborn lamb or a cute puppy might stir up happy emotions in...

  • 为什么你总是感觉很疲倦 上

    21-09-25 1. Watching emotionally charged television shows 追剧追得太投入 One of the ways binge-watching emotionally charged TV shows can lead to mental exhaustion is through temporarily imagining yourself experiencing the same feelings and events of a specif...

  • 表情符号的兴起

    21-02-24 很多人在用手机发短信时,经常会在字里行间内加上几个被称作表情符号的小图标,这个近来十分流行的新功能不仅能让枯燥无味的文字看起来丰富多彩,还可以快速且高效地向他人传达我们的情感。 Happy, angry, amazed these are some of the emotions we like to express t...

  • 蒙娜丽莎在微笑还是苦笑与人的情绪有关

    18-04-29 Scientists have discovered why the Mona Lisas expression looks so different to different people and at different times. 不同的人在不同的时间观察蒙娜丽莎的表情会得到完全不同的印象,对于这一点,科学家们已经找到其中的原因。 For centuries, art lovers an...

  • 消极情绪对于心理健康是必不可少的

    17-03-30 A client sits before me, seeking help untangling his relationship problems. As a psychotherapist, I strive to be warm, nonjudgmental and encouraging. I am a bit unsettled, then, when in the midst of describing his painful experiences, he says, Im so...

  • 微软展示一款能读懂用户情绪的“情绪衬衫”

    16-05-24 Imagine walking into a room of strangers knowing your clothes could keep you calm, or wearing a jacket that could cheer you up after a breakup. 想象一下,你走进一间屋子,里面都是陌生人,但你知道你的衣服可以让你保持冷静,或在分手后,你身上穿的夹克能...

  • 情绪多变可以帮助我们适应瞬息万变的世界

    15-11-06 Moody people are often baffling to those of us with steadier emotions. 喜怒无常的人常常令情绪稳定的人感到困惑。 But scientists argue that changing moods - as seen in sulking teenagers, grumpy spouses, or bad-tempered parents - serve an important pur...