• 表达情绪的几种方式

    15-05-28 Recognize the importance of expressing emotions. Unexpressed emotions affect your life. For example, many people who struggle with ongoing depression or anxiety are often actually angry. Because the unexpressed anger has nowhere to go, the person ex...

  • 分享悲伤的情感让女人们惺惺相惜

    15-05-17 It has long been a mystery to men why so many women enjoy watching tear jerker movies with their friends. 长期以来,男人们对女人喜欢跟朋友一起看苦情片感到不解。 But now scientists have come up with a suggestion - sharing sad emotions helps women bon...

  • 研究者们致力于制造9D电视

    15-05-17 Researchers are developing ways of generating emotions through the sense of touch, smell and taste that could lead to what the designers are calling 9D TV. 研究者们正致力于研究通过触感、嗅觉和味觉来产生情感的方法,也就是制造所谓的9D电视。 While curr...

  • 自我吹嘘往往事与愿违

    15-05-13 Bragging to coworkers about a recent promotion, or posting a photo of your brand new car on Facebook, may seem like harmless ways to share good news. However, a new study from City University London, Carnegie Mellon University and Bocconi University...

  • 婴儿记忆中仅存欢乐时光

    14-12-05 Babies can only remember happy moments, new research suggests. 一项最新的研究表明,婴儿的记忆中仅留存欢乐时光。 Researchers at Brigham Young University discovered that babies are more likely to remember things that trigger positive emotions. People...

  • 工作时的消极情绪能带来积极效果

    14-09-12 Surprising new research suggests it can actually be good to feel bad at work, and that feeling good in the workplace can lead to negative outcomes. 新研究的惊人发现表明,实际上工作时的消极情绪能带来积极效果,而积极的情绪却可能导致消极结果。 The stud...

  • 大脑如何处理情感信息

    14-07-10 Although feelings are personal and subjective, the human brain turns them into a standard code that objectively represents emotions across different senses, situations and even people, reports a new study by Cornell University neuroscientist Adam An...

  • 日本软银发明似人型机器人

    14-06-05 Japanese firm Softbank has unveiled a robot called Pepper, which it says can read human emotions. 日本软银公司研制出一款名为辣椒的机器人,据称该机器人能识别人类情感。 Softbank says it plans to launch the robot commercially in Japan next year It uses...

  • 裸头草碱能抑制大脑中的消极情感

    14-05-08 Emotions like fear, anger, sadness, and joy enable people to adjust to their environment and react flexibly to stress and strain and are vital for cognitive processes, physiological reactions, and social behaviour. The processing of emotions is clos...

  • 人类有21种表情

    14-04-20 When you're feeling one of those combination emotions, like sadly angry or happily disgusted, it shows on your face in a unique way, a new study shows. 研究显示,当人们感受到上述复合情感时,例如悲愤或者又开心又讨厌,这些情感就会以一种特别的方式呈现...