• 英国女孩倡导添加戴眼镜的表情符号

    22-12-31 Lowri Teenagers, especially, dont really feel represented. Not positively, anyway. If its representation, then its the nerd [emoji], and thats not who we are. Its just we cant see. 洛瑞 戴眼镜的青少年感觉自身的特点没能得到体现,至少没有正面的代表。...

  • 2022新表情符号草图发布

    22-07-20 在世界表情包日来临之际,又有一批新表情符号草图和网友见面啦!这次公布的入围表情符号虽然只有31个,但是却收获了不少好评,来看看都有哪些好玩又好用的新表情符号吧! A shaking head, new heart colours and a familiar goose are among a new group of emojis set...

  • It’s all Greek to me 我完全不懂

    21-10-14 表达 its all Greek to me 的字面意思是 这对我来说全是希腊文,实际用来比喻别人的话语或文字 对我来说非常难懂,完全不明白。 例句 His handwriting is so bad, I cant read it. Its all Greek to me. 他写的字太难看了,我看不懂。看着就像天书一样。 Do you unders...

  • 表情符号的兴起

    21-02-24 很多人在用手机发短信时,经常会在字里行间内加上几个被称作表情符号的小图标,这个近来十分流行的新功能不仅能让枯燥无味的文字看起来丰富多彩,还可以快速且高效地向他人传达我们的情感。 Happy, angry, amazed these are some of the emotions we like to express t...

  • 澳洲昆士兰车牌可加表情符号

    19-02-22 Emojis are usually reserved for text messages or chatting online, but now some drivers will be able to add them onto their car number plates. 表情符号通常出现在短信息或网上聊天内容中,不过如今,一部分司机还可以把表情符号用在车牌上。 In an unpreceden...
