• 《疯狂动物城》第6章

    23-01-30 Sporting her traffic-enforcement hat and a bright-orange vest, Judy climbed into her parking cart, buckled up, and put on her shades. She pressed the gas pedal down and took off...very slowly. Judys ears twisted and turned as she used her excellent...

  • see the elephant 大开眼界、见世面

    22-10-28 I see 我们在看美剧的时候,常常能听到一句I see,这可不是我看见 而是我明白了、我懂了。 Oh, I see what youre saying. 哦,我明白你的意思了。 see the elephant 大家看到这个短语是不是第一时间就觉得是看见大象? 它确实有看见大象的意思,但是也有另一层意思表示...

  • see the elephant 开眼界

    21-06-04 see the elephant也可说成get a look/ sight at the elephant,意思是开眼界、长见识。 为什么看到了大象就等于看到了世界,就是见过世面了?因为在see the elephant这句俚语诞生的年代,只有在非洲和亚洲才能看到大象。对当时的人来说,能看见大象就相当于是见过世面...

  • 英语童话故事:大象找朋友

    20-03-09 One day an elephant wandered into a forest in search of friends. He saw a monkey on a tree. Will you be my friend? asked the elephant. Replied the monkey, You are too big. You can not swing from trees like me. Next, the elephant met a rabbit. He ask...