• 几个与复活节相关的习语

    22-01-25 1. A good egg 大好人,形容人慷慨大方,对人特别好,也值得信赖。 例句:We can trust him. He really is a good egg. 我们可以相信他,他是个非常慷慨大方,值得信赖的人。 2. A happy bunny 快乐兔,指高兴,内心满足的人 例句:I am a happy bunny now because I g...

  • to egg someone on 怂恿、鼓动

    21-12-14 成语 to egg someone on 其实跟鸡蛋一点关系都没有,它的意思是怂恿、鼓动某人去做他们并不特别想做的事情,而结果很可能令当事人当众出丑或犯错误。 例句 Why on earth did you try that jump on your bike? These boys were egging me on and I didnt want to seem t...

  • a nest egg 储备金

    21-12-06 很多人都会攒一笔钱,以备不时之需。在英语中,我们用 a nest egg 一颗窝里的蛋特指为将来某种用途存下的备用的钱。 例句 I want to build up a nest egg for my retirement so I always save whatever I can every month. Without our nest egg I dont know how we wo...

  • have egg on your face 狼狈不堪

    21-12-06 虽然有些人利用鸡蛋护肤美容,但没人希望被外人看到脸上流着鸡蛋的样子。成语have egg on your face 脸上有鸡蛋的实际含义是形容一个人处在尴尬、狼狈不堪的情况中。我们也可以说 be left with egg on your face,意思是一样的。注意这两个表达都是非正式的口语表达。...

  • “鸡蛋” 相关的英文

    21-08-16 Egg white 蛋白 蛋白有两种意思,一种是蛋白质的蛋白,英文是protein,这里说的蛋白,更多时候指的是蛋清,意思是鸡蛋里的透明液体,煮熟后呈白色部分。 the clear liquid of an egg. When it is cooked, it turns white. 鸡蛋的透明液体部分。煮熟后变成白色。 Whip t...

  • “悖论思维” 能帮你更好地看问题吗

    21-05-10 我们往往用 矛盾 来描述两个看似互相对立、不应但确实同时存在的现实情况。逻辑学中,亦有 悖论 一词,那你知道什么是 悖论思维 吗? The chicken or the egg which came first? Its probably one of the most commonly cited paradoxes a chicken hatches from an egg...

  • leave an Easter egg 在游戏或影片中埋下 “彩蛋”

    21-04-17 不少电子游戏和影视作品中都藏有一些有趣的小情节,出乎意料的小玩笑。人们把这类不太容易被发现的 小惊喜 比喻成复活节的彩蛋 Easter eggs。在英语里,表达 leave an Easter egg 或 put an Easter egg 就用来描述游戏、电影创作者们在作品中 埋下彩蛋 的做法。 比如,...

  • 爸爸笑话 下

    21-01-17 8. I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. Ill let you know. 我在亚马逊上订购了一只鸡,一个鸡蛋。我会让你们知道结果的。 网友评论: Eggs still came first, but for another reason. The first chicken had to come out of a chicken egg as it would othe...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 8

    20-12-24 On Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Arable and Fern were sitting at breakfast in the kitchen. Avery had finished and was upstairs looking for his slingshot. 星期六早上,阿拉贝尔先生和太太还有芬正坐在厨房吃早餐。埃弗里已经吃过了饭,便上楼找他的弹弓去了。...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 6

    20-12-24 The early summer days on a farm are the happiest and fairest days of the year. Lilacs bloom and make the air sweet, and then fade. Apple blossoms come with the lilacs, and the bees visit around among the apple trees. The days grow warm and soft. Sch...