• leave an Easter egg 在游戏或影片中埋下 “彩蛋”

    21-04-17 不少电子游戏和影视作品中都藏有一些有趣的小情节,出乎意料的小玩笑。人们把这类不太容易被发现的 小惊喜 比喻成复活节的彩蛋 Easter eggs。在英语里,表达 leave an Easter egg 或 put an Easter egg 就用来描述游戏、电影创作者们在作品中 埋下彩蛋 的做法。 比如,...

  • 复活节为什么要吃巧克力兔?

    19-04-20 As far as holidays go, Easter is second only to Halloween in American candy sales - thats a lot of chocolate bunnies. 就节假日而言,复活节的糖果销量在美国仅次于万圣节:其中有很多是巧克力兔。 Easter - the most spiritually significant holiday of the C...

  • Easter egg 彩蛋

    14-07-22 Easter egg refers to a hidden item placed in a movie, television show, or otherwise visual media for close watchers. 彩蛋指的是在电影、电视剧或其他视频中为眼尖的观众埋藏的小惊喜。 The term originates from the 1975 movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show...

  • 奥巴马讲话 表达复活节和逾越节的祝福

    14-04-27 Hi, everybody. For millions of Americans, this time of year holds great meaning. Earlier this week, we hosted a Passover Seder at the White House, and joined Jewish families around the world in their retellings(复述) of the story of the Exodus and...

  • 奥巴马演讲 祝大家复活节和逾越节快乐

    12-04-14 For millions of Americans, this weekend is a time to celebrate redemption(赎回,拯救) at God's hand. Tonight, Jews will gather for a second Seder, where they will retell the story of the Exodus. And tomorrow, my family will join Christians around...

  • 近万颗复活节彩蛋装饰苹果树

    12-04-07 You thought Easter eggs don't grow on trees? Check out Volker Kraft's garden in eastern Germany, and think again. 你认为复活节彩蛋不会长在树上?来看看德国东部福尔克尔克拉夫特家的花园,然后再想想吧。 You thought Easter eggs don't grow on trees? Check...

  • 欧洲鸡蛋涨价影响复活节

    12-04-07 It's the season to paint Easter eggs in Europe. Now children, listen: Handle with care, they break easily and this year there are not too many about so they are very expensive. 在欧洲,现在是绘制复活节彩蛋的时节了。但是,孩子们,听好了:拿鸡蛋要小心...

  • Easter in UK

    10-09-03 If you visit a supermarket in the UK in March or April, you will notice a curious(好奇的,古怪的) thing: shelf after shelf is filled with large, brightly-coloured eggs. Look a little closer and you will discover something else. These eggs are't re...
