• 海平面温差可作为气候敏感性变化依据

    11-12-07 Scientists have developed important new insight into the sensitivity of global temperature to changes in Earth's radiation balance over the last half million years. The sensitivity of global temperature to changes in Earth's radiation balance (clima...

  • 宇宙中发现类地行星Kepler 22-b

    11-12-06 Astronomers have confirmed the existence of an Earth-like planet in the habitable zone around a star not unlike our own. 天文学家证实,宇宙中某颗恒星适居区内有一颗类地行星。 The planet lies about 15% closer to its star than the Earth is to the Sun T...

  • 科学家发现奇怪的红外星系

    11-12-02 In the distant reaches of the universe, almost 13 billion light-years from Earth, a strange species of galaxy lay hidden. Cloaked in dust and dimmed(使暗淡) by the intervening(介于中间的) distance, even the Hubble Space Telescope couldn't spy it...

  • 科学家揭示地球早期大气组成

    11-12-01 Scientists in the New York Center for Astrobiology(天体生物学) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have used the oldest minerals on Earth to reconstruct the atmospheric conditions present on Earth very soon after its birth. The findings, which app...

  • 皮内成骨帮助恐龙度过艰难的岁月

    11-11-30 Bones contained entirely within the skin of some of the largest dinosaurs on Earth might have stored vital minerals to help the massive creatures survive and bear their young in tough times, according to new research by a team including a University...

  • 古环境促使了生物多样性的变化

    11-11-25 Much of our knowledge about past life has come from the fossil record -- but how accurately does that reflect the true history and drivers of biodiversity on Earth? It's a question that goes back a long way to the time of Darwin, who looked at the f...

  • 古代地球物种大灭绝的准确时间确立

    11-11-20 It's well known that Earth's most severe mass extinction occurred about 250 million years ago. What's not well known is the specific time when the extinctions occurred. A team of researchers from North America and China have published a paper in Sci...

  • 银河系曾“排斥”一颗巨行星

    11-11-13 Just as an expert chess player sacrifices a piece to protect the queen, the solar system may have given up a giant planet and spared Earth, according to an article recently published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. We have all sorts of clues a...

  • 致命太阳耀斑理论上不可能发生

    11-11-13 Given a legitimate(合法的,正当的) need to protect Earth from the most intense forms of space weather -- great bursts of electromagnetic energy and particles that can sometimes stream from the sun -- some people worry that a gigantic killer solar...

  • 原子时可能将取代格林尼治时间

    11-11-05 格林尼治时间以英国首都伦敦市郊格林尼治天文台命名,作为全球通用的时间参考标准已使用120多年。如今,这一以地球自转为依据的世界时可能由以原子振荡周期为依据的原子时彻底取代。 For more than 120 years, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) has been the international s...