• 日本海域发现大量稀土矿

    11-07-04 Japanese researchers say they have discovered vast deposits of rare earth minerals, used in many hi-tech appliances, in the seabed. 日本研究人员宣称,他们在海底发现了用于诸多高科技器械的稀土矿物。 The geologists(地质学家) estimate that there are a...

  • 划蝽 地球上声音最大的动物

    11-07-04 Scientists have shown for the first time that the loudest animal on earth, relative to its body size, is the tiny water boatman(划蝽) , Micronecta scholtzi. At 99.2 decibels, this represents the equivalent of listening to an orchestra(乐队) play...

  • 开普勒号运输船已“自我了断”

    11-06-22 Europe's space freighter has destroyed itself over the South Pacific. 欧洲开普勒号宇宙运输船在南太平洋海域自行解体。 Artist's impression: Contact with Kepler was lost at 2041:39 GMT at an altitude of 80km The ATV-Johannes Kepler ship took 1.3 tonnes...

  • 旅行者号探测器将冲出太阳系

    11-06-10 Humankind's most distant emissaries are flying through a turbulent sea of magnetism as they seek to break free of our Solar System. 人类在太空中最远的探测器正在穿越一片磁海湍流,目前它正试图冲出太阳系。 The Voyagers are approaching the edge of the e...

  • 南极洲东部冰盖下藏有巨大峡湾

    11-06-02 Scientists from the U.S., U.K. and Australia have used ice-penetrating radar to create the first high- resolution topographic map of one of the last uncharted regions of Earth, the Aurora Subglacial Basin, an immense ice-buried lowland in East Antar...

  • 美宇航局将开展小行星取样任务

    11-05-27 A newly announced NASA mission to collect a sample of an asteroid(小行星) and return it to Earth will include an instrument built at Arizona State University's School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE). The ASU instrument will analyze long-wave...

  • 月球内部水储量与地球相当

    11-05-27 There is water inside the moon so much, in fact, that in some places it rivals the amount of water found within the Earth. The finding from a scientific team including Brown University comes from the first-ever measurements of water in lunar melt in...

  • 美某宗教领袖称5·21为“审判日”

    11-05-21 美国某宗教组织领袖近日大肆向人们宣传,称今年5月21日为世界的审判日,届时将发生特大地震,地球末日随之来临。 Say goodbye to your loved ones, repent(后悔,忏悔) your sins and enjoy your last few days on earth because, if a US Christian group is to be...

  • 第42个世界地球日:珍惜地球资源

    11-04-23 2011年4月22日是第42个世界地球日,今年的主题是珍惜地球资源,转变发展方式。 Students pose for the photo with a globe during a campaign to mark the World Earth Day in a middle school in Dexing, Jiangxi province April 19, 2011. If the environmental move...

  • 早期的宇宙是一维的吗?

    11-04-21 Did the early universe have just one spatial(空间的) dimension? That's the mind-boggling concept at the heart of a theory that University at Buffalo physicist Dejan Stojkovic and colleagues proposed in 2010. They suggested that the early universe...