• 各种雨的表达-句子类

    22-06-21 1.The heavens opened! 突然下起了大雨! 表达天堂打开了指突然间下起了大雨。 I was just about to put my washing on the line when the heavens opened! 我正准备把洗好的衣服晾起来呢,外面就突然下起了大雨! 2.Its chunking it down. 雨哗哗地下。 单词chunk有...

  • ducks in a row 一丝不紊或井井有条

    21-08-30 短语 ducks in a row 的意思是把事情组织的一丝不紊或井井有条,这是个美式英语表达。 例句 With the recession looming, the government has to get its ducks in a row and invest in job creation. The companys owner has given his managers a few days to get th...
