10-07-09 A new system for the controlled delivery of pharmaceutical(制药的) drugs has been developed by a team of University of Rhode Island chemical engineers using nanoparticles embedded(嵌入) in a liposome(脂质体) that can be triggered by non-invasi...
10-06-29 Men who use statins(他汀类药物) to lower their cholesterol(胆固醇) are 30 percent less likely to see their prostate(前列腺) cancer come back after surgery compared to men who do not use the drugs, according to researchers at Duke University Me...
10-06-22 Researchers at the University of Leicester and the University of Ferrara in Italy have collaborated(合作) to develop new drugs which have the potential to relieve cancer pain without causing many of the side effects(副作用) of current pain-treat...
10-06-09 At least two tonnes of cocaine with a street value estimated at $1bn has been seized in The Gambia, bound for Europe. 冈比亚警方截获至少两吨、黑市价达10亿美元的可卡因,据悉这批可卡因计划销往欧洲。 West Africa has become a major transit hub for drugs...
10-04-13 Mexico's authorities say that two of the country's most powerful drugs cartels have overcome their rivalry to form an alliance against a third. 墨西哥官员称,国内两个最具实力的贩毒团伙结束敌对状态,结成联盟以对抗其它团伙。 Nearly 18,000 people have...
10-03-12 Scientists have discovered the primary mechanism by which thalidomide causes malformed limbs in developing embryos. 科学家已发现在胚胎发育过程中由萨立多胺所引发的畸形肢体的初步原因。 Thalidomide affects limb and ear development in embryos This side-...
10-03-07 UK academic institutions have unwittingly become the accomplices of criminals selling fake drugs online. 英国某学术机构在毫不知情的情况下成为犯罪分子在网上销售假药的帮凶。 Servers were used to bounce people on to fake pharmacy sites A security firm...
10-02-09 Africans suffering from malaria may be getting sub-standard treatment, a study by US-based experts has suggested. 一组美国科学家经过研究得出结论,遭受疟疾之苦的非洲人可能接受着非正规的治疗。 The experts say their research threw up a disturbing trend...
10-01-03 A suspected senior member of one of Mexico's major drugs cartels has been arrested, officials say. 墨西哥官员称,一名疑似某大型贩毒团伙的高级成员落入法网。 Carlos Beltran Leyva was arrested carrying false documents, police say Carlos Beltran Leyva w...
09-10-26 Antidepressants get to work immediately to lift mood, contrary to current belief, UK researchers say. 英国研究人员称,与现行的观念相反,抗抑郁药可以立即起到提高情绪的作用。 The drugs appear to promote positive thinking Although patients may not noti...