• 蛟龙号潜水器进行模拟潜水试验

    17-04-24 Jiaolong, Chinas manned submersible, went through a dive simulation in Sanya, Hainan Province on Saturday to prepare for a deep descent in the South China Sea. 中国载人潜水器蛟龙号周六在海南三亚进行了一次模拟潜水试验,为将来在南海深潜做准备。 The su...

  • 军训时常用的口令

    16-02-04 稍息 At ease 立正 Attention 向右看齐 Right-dress 向前看 Eyes-front 上操 Attention drill 集合 Fall in 以右(左)翼为基准 Guide right (left) 向前三步走 Three steps forward march 报数 Count off 点名 Call the roll 靠拢 Close 散开 Extend 齐步走 Lockstep...

  • anti-online terror drill 网络反恐演习

    16-01-29 Member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) held their first anti-online terror drill in the southeastern Chinese coastal city of Xiamen on Wednesday. 14日,上海合作组织(上合组织)成员国在中国东南沿海城市厦门举办了首次网络反恐演习...

  • 多国部队在乌克兰举行军事演习

    15-07-23 A US-led multinational military drill is underway in western Ukraine, near the border with Poland. 乌克兰西部与波兰接壤的附近地区,美国领导的一次多国军事演习正在进行中。 The exercise called Rapid Trident involves more than 1,800 soldiers from 18 cou...

  • 以色列在约旦河西岸举行大规模演习

    15-03-02 The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) embarked on a surprise wide-scale drill in the West Bank on Sunday, ordering 3,000 reserve soldiers to report to their units. 以色列国防军周日在约旦河西岸举行一场出人意料的大规模演习,下令3000名储备军人向军方报到。 Ar...

  • 金正恩组织联合军事演习

    14-11-24 Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un has organized and guided a combined drill of the Korean People's Army, the country's official KCNA news agency reported on Sunday. 朝鲜中央通信社上周日报道,最高领导人金正恩...

  • live-fire drill 实兵演习

    13-11-06 Chinese and Russian naval forces left Vladivostok on Monday and arrived in the Sea of Japan, where they began the live-fire phase of a joint naval drill called Joint Sea 2013, the largest-ever Sino-Russian exercise of its kind. 本周一,中俄海军部队...

  • military drill 军事演习

    13-05-09 The People's Liberation Army conducted a series of military drills over the past few weeks to fine-tune its capabilities of amphibious operations. 最近几周,中国人民解放军进行了一系列军事演习,演练两栖作战能力。 Military drill就是军事演习。近期举行...

  • live-fire drill 实弹射击训练

    12-11-09 The Republic of Korea (ROK) conducted one-day live-fire drills on Monday, undeterred by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s threat of retaliation. 未受朝鲜打击报复威胁的阻碍,韩国于周一实施了一天的实弹射击训练。 文中的live-fire drills...

  • 再见了,“阅兵村”!

    09-10-17 10月5日,近五千名徒步方队受阅官兵在出色完成国庆大典阅兵任务后,悄无声息地离开了沙河阅兵村。据悉,装备方队也通过各种交通方式陆续踏上了归途。所有受阅部队将于10月10日回撤完毕。 为尽量减少部队机动给首都交通和市民出行带来影响,阅兵官兵都把回撤时间安排在...