• 情绪低潮

    22-07-05 一级down: unhappy 不开心的,不愉快的 例句:Im a little bit of unhappy. 我只是有点儿不开心。 I am not in the mood. 我没有心情。 二级down: sad 难过的,悲伤的,最常用词,泛指一切形式的悲伤,着重暂时的不幸或感觉的忧伤。 例句:I feel so upset. 我感到很...

  • kick (one) when (one) is down 落井下石

    22-03-23 落井下石,汉语成语,字面意思是drop down a stone on the man who has fallen into a well,比喻乘人有危难时加以陷害( to maltreat an injured person; add insult to injury; add to the misfortunes of a man who is already unfortunate),与英文俗语 kick (one...

  • settle down 落地生根

    22-03-22 落地生根,汉语成语,字面意思是reach the ground and take root,比喻长期安家落户。可以翻译为settle down等。 例句: 在农村落地生根 Settle down in the countryside 想在异国他乡落地生根可不是件容易的事。 Its difficult to settle down in a foreign land....

  • 放松

    22-03-11 1 unwind Wind (作名词时,读成/wnd/ ;作动词时,读成/wand/)有上紧钟表的发条的意思,那么unwind也就是松开、解开,用在这里就是放松的意思。 Im beat. We need to unwind. Lets get a drink. 我累死了,得好好放松下。我们出去喝一杯吧。 2 Chill out. chill out 指...

  • 不开心 上

    22-02-22 1. Im sad. 2. Im unhappy. 3. Im in bad/dark mood. △如果说又生气了,还可以用到mood的相关短语: be in one of your moods,表示又心情不好;又生气。 Tims in one of his moods so Im keeping out of his way. 蒂姆又闹情绪了,所以我就离他远点儿。 4. Im in low...

  • 悲伤

    22-02-09 当我们感到心情不好的时候,可以用:feel so depressed(压抑的)和miserable(悲惨的)。 down in the mouth形容某人神气沮丧、垂头丧气,非常不高兴。 例:Why so down in the mouth? low这个简单的单词也可以用来形容哀伤和某人精神不振,相当于sad和feel blue,但...

  • hands down

    21-11-02 有绝对,毫无疑问之意。 可以这样联想,因为毫无疑问,所以不会举手提问,也就是hands down。 My favorite TV show is hands down Friends. 我最爱的电视剧当然是《老友记》。 Hands down Ben Rowan is a git. Ben Rowan完全是个白痴。...

  • sit down with someone 和某人讨论

    21-10-29 没错,sit down with someone不是和某人坐一起,而是和某人讨论。 例句: Ill sit down with her and decide what to do next. 我要和她讨论一下,决定下一步该怎么做。 I will sit down with John tomorrow and see if he will change his mind. 我明天会和约翰谈谈,...

  • down payment首付

    21-10-26 首付就是首先支付的款项,在英语中用down payment来表达,其中down指分期付款第一期的,是个形容词,而payment指付款,合起来就是我们所说的首付。 例句: Tom is still not able to make the down payment on the house. 汤姆还没有能力支付房子的首付。 A: How much...

  • to go down like a lead balloon 不受欢迎或起反效果

    21-08-13 如果你说的话或做的事 goes down like a lead balloon, 这就意味着起不受欢迎,激起了他人的不满或反感。 例句 Davids joke was in very poor taste. It went down like a lead balloon! The news of Jennys engagement went down like a lead balloon when she told t...