• 中国将花费10亿保护布达拉宫内的古文献

    19-02-26 The Chinese government will invest 300 million yuan (about 45 million U.S. dollars) in the next 10 years in its greatest efforts of protection and utilization of ancient documents in the Potala Palace. 中国政府在未来10年内将投资3亿元(约4500万美元)...

  • CIA公开1300万页解密文件

    17-01-22 About 13 million pages of declassified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been released online. 美国中央情报局在网上公开了约1300万页解密文件。 The move came after lengthy efforts from freedom of information advocates and a...

  • 美国中情局公布数千份有关飞碟的解密文件

    16-02-05 The CIA has released thousands of declassified documents on flying saucers, aliens and other unexplained phenomena. 美国中央情报局(CIA)日前公布了数千份有关飞碟、外星人及其他未解之谜的解密文件。 'We've decided to highlight a few documents both skep...

  • 拉登生前信件被曝光

    12-05-05 A selection from more than 6,000 pages of documents seized during the May 1, 2011, raid that killed Osama bin Laden was released on Thursday by West Point's Combating Terrorism Center (CTC), giving the public a rare glimpse of the al-Qaida leader's...
