• 麻醉药如何使大脑失去知觉

    13-03-05 Since the mid-1800s, doctors have used drugs to induce general anesthesia(全身麻醉) in patients undergoing surgery. Despite their widespread use, little is known about how these drugs create such a profound loss of consciousness. In a new study th...

  • hongbao stipulation 红包协议

    13-02-18 Doctors and patients will be required to sign an agreement before treatment in which the doctor vows he or she will not ask for money, and the patient vows he or she will not attempt to hand over bribe money. 医患双方须在就诊前签署协议,医生保证不向...

  • forbarefoot doctors 赤脚医生

    12-12-12 Chinese political advisors on Saturday called for more support forbarefoot doctors serving the country's vast rural areas. 政协委员呼吁,政府应给予赤脚医生更多的关注和支持,以服务广大农村地区。 文中的barefoot doctors就是指赤脚医生,现在也称乡村医生...

  • 英父母花巨资去美国选择胎儿性别

    12-09-03 Dozens of British women a year are flying to the United States and paying thousands of pounds to select the sex of their baby, it has emerged. 据透露,英国每年都有数十名女性飞往美国就医,花费数千英镑来选择胎儿的性别。 As gender selection is banned i...

  • 奥巴马医改法案使83%医生欲转行

    12-07-18 Eighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association. 美国医患医学会的一项调查显示,83%的美...

  • 《爱情与灵药》三

    12-05-17 精彩对白 Jamie: Dr. Knight. Knight: Hey, I'm very late. Jamie: One thousand dollars. Knight: Excuse me? Jamie: It's a check for $1,000. Knight: For what? Jamie: For a special Pfizer preceptorship . For me to shadow you, learn your practice, and bett...

  • 延长医生的睡眠时间

    11-05-25 Sleep deprivation is an issue that affects practising physicians and not only medical residents, and we need to establish standards for maximum work and minimum uninterrupted sleep to ensure patient safety, states an editorial in CMAJ (Canadian Medi...

  • 奥巴马演讲 关于医生公平薪酬问题

    10-06-14 More than a decade ago, Congress set up a formula that governs how doctors get paid by the Medicare program. The intent was to slow the growth of Medicare costs, but the result was a formula that has proposed(提议,计划) cutting payments for Ameri...

  • 尼日利亚医生罢工抗议同事遭绑架

    10-04-09 Doctors in the southern Nigerian state of Edo have gone on strike to protest at the kidnapping of a colleague. 尼日利亚南部埃多州的医生举行罢工,抗议一位同事被不明身份者绑架。 The director of a hospital in Benin City was abducted(绑架,诱拐) by un...

  • 糖尿病人与医生看待病情等级各不相同

    10-02-03 About one-third of doctors and their patients with diabetes糖尿病 do not see eye to eye四目相对,心有灵犀 on the most important health conditions to manage, according to a survey by the University of Michigan Medical School. While both groups freque...