• do justice to something 成功完成,适当处理

    22-05-09 Do justice to something Definition: do successfully and with honor, complete in a befitting manner 定义:成功完成,适当处理 I think that painting doesnt do justice to him. 我觉得那幅画不适合他。 Alice really did justice to the presentation. 爱丽丝的...

  • do a number on someone 捉弄、欺骗某人

    22-05-09 Do a number on someone Definition: trick someone, cheat someone, hurt someone very badly 定义:捉弄、欺骗某人,深深地伤害某人 Im afraid she did a number on him when she broke up. 我担心她提出分手对他伤害很深。 That guy did a number on John to the tu...

  • 你行你上

    22-04-20 Dont talk the talk if you cant walk the walk. talk the talk 代表只会用嘴说, walk the walk 可以理解成付诸于实际行动,这句话就是,不要耍嘴皮子,得做才行。 不过这句话有点太长了,霸气度大大降低。 Put up or shut up.要么你上,要么闭嘴! 这句话言简意赅,...

  • 正式场合问候语

    22-02-09 1. Its nice to meet you or Pleased to meet you 很高兴见到你。 这句话适合用于你们之间第一次见面的时候,并且会显得你很有礼貌。 2. How have you been? 你最近怎么样? 这句话只适用于你们已经见过面的时候。 3.How do you do? 您好! 这句问候语非常的正式,可能比...

  • 不定式to do的三种用法

    21-12-07 动词不定式 to do 是英语中最常见的结构之一,它用法灵活多样,令不少英语学习者困惑不已。 用法总结 1 我们可以在形容词后加上不定式 to do,即:形容词 + 不定式 to do。 Its easy to learn English with the BBC. Were always happy to help! Its fun to spend time...

  • You do you. 做自己。

    21-11-22 You do you. 其实 You do you.这个表达完全可以按字面意思来理解,它就是指做自己的意思。 这个短语还可以指我行我素,是个中性词。 接下来我们再来看看有关于do这个词的其他表达吧~ Nothing doing. Nothing doing.可以理解为什么都不做,换句话说就是不行、做不到,...

  • try doing与try to do

    21-05-19 动词 try 的意思是 尝试,试图,它可以分别与 doing 和 to do 搭配,组成 try doing something 和 try to do something,这两个说法的意思不同。其中哪一个暗示了 尝试的结果并不成功? 用法总结 1Try + doing 用来表达 尝试以前没做过的事。 I tried baking a cake. ....

  • force somebody to do what he is unwilling to do 强人所难

    20-09-17 强人所难,汉语成语,意思是勉强人家去做他不能做或不愿做的事情,可以翻译为force somebody to do what he is unwilling to do或constrain somebody to do things that are beyond his power。 例句: 既然她不愿意去,我们最好不要强人所难。 Since she doesnt want...

  • 英汉翻译:Could do with

    20-05-13 有这样一句话The London investment bank could do with more support.,很多人都会想当然地将它翻译为伦敦投资银行可以得到更多支持。这样的翻译容易让人觉得原句意思是伦敦投资银行会得到更多支持,即别人会给伦敦投资银行更多支持。但实际意思并非如此。 可以得到应...

  • didn't-do list 未办事项列表

    15-12-28 The didn't-do list is list of things you intended to do at the beginning of a month or a week, or even a day, but failed to get them done by the planned deadline. It is a to-do list that keeps a record of undone things. 未办事项列表指在每个月、每周...