• deep dive 深入探讨,仔细分析

    22-03-30 搭配 deep dive 的字面意思是 深潜,实际意思是 深入地探讨或仔细地研究 一件事情,如课题、项目或文件。Deep dive 常与动词 take 搭配使用,后面常接介词 into,即 take a deep dive into something。 例句 The best way to analyse the failings of the project is t...

  • dive into it 跳进去

    22-01-04 如果一个人 dive into 一件事情,那么意思就是很快很热情地投入到这件事情里去了。 例句 My new course starts next week. I cant wait to dive into the work! Be careful not to dive into a new relationship too quickly after the last one. Lets dive into this...

  • 蛟龙号雅浦海沟进行潜水

    17-06-05 On Sunday, Chinas manned submersible Jiaolong conducted its first dive in the Yap Trench of the year. 上周日,中国载人潜水器蛟龙号今年首次在雅浦海沟进行潜水。 Jiaolong began diving at 8:43 a.m. local time on a rainy day, reaching a depth of 4,177 me...

  • 蛟龙号马里亚纳海沟潜水6699米

    17-05-31 Chinas manned submersible Jiaolong descended to 6,699 meters in the Mariana Trench on Tuesday, recording images of two swimming snailfishes. 中国蛟龙号载人潜水器周二在马里亚纳海沟潜入6699米深的海底,拍到两种狮子鱼游泳的照片。 Tuesdays mission was Ji...

  • 蛟龙号完成南海潜水任务

    17-05-11 Jiaolong, Chinas manned submersible, conducted its ninth and final dive in the South China Sea Wednesday. 中国载人潜水器蛟龙号周三在南海完成第九次也是最后一次潜水任务。 Jiaolong stayed underwater for nine and a half hours in its ninth dive in the se...

  • “蛟龙”号潜水器全球征集LOGO

    14-11-19 China's National Deep Sea Center and its deep sea research submersible Jiaolong are jointly soliciting for logos around the world. 中国国家深海中心与其深海研究潜水器蛟龙号正共同全球征集徽标。 Jiaolong is out for its first mission in the South China...

  • 蓝鲸的颚骨结构有助于觅食

    10-12-10 Diving blue whales can dive for anything up to(多到,达) 15 minutes. However, Bob Shadwick from the University of British Columbia, Canada, explains that blue whales may be able to dive for longer, because of the colossal(巨大的,异常的) oxygen...

  • 立陶宛水下艺术馆成立

    10-08-21 立陶宛的跳水爱好者们最近把二十多张当地摄影艺术家的作品放入该国西部的一个湖中,开创了立陶宛国内首个水下艺术馆,并声称在水下欣赏艺术是完全不同的一种体验。 A diver uses his underwater camera near a photograph submerged in lake Plateliai, western Lithua...
