• 六月精彩新片

    22-06-06 Jurassic World Dominion《侏罗纪世界3》 Jurassic World Dominion is the final film in the second trilogy of dino-movies and its the first one which really deserves to be called Jurassic World rather than Jurassic Park. Yes, prehistoric monsters are ou...

  • Cara Delevingne走出抑郁 下

    22-04-15 And as well. How do you cure something like that? 还有。那你是怎么治好的呢? Well, my agency were like, because usually you have to take time to fix internal problems, like its the food and stress. 嗯,我的经纪公司是这样的,你必须花时间来解决自己的...

  • a high-flyer 有极高抱负的成功职业人士

    21-08-19 A high-flyer 是在指事业上有极高抱负的成功职业人士。 例句 Daniel is such a high-flyer. Hes only 31 years old and hes already the financial director of the company. My brother is a high-flying businessman and travels all over the world. 请注意 另外有...

  • 修复巴黎圣母院

    21-05-14 Beneath its protective cranes, Notre Dame still embodies the horror and heroism that unfolded here two years ago. Since then, workers have been clearing the debris, securing the structure and dismantling the scaffolding that melted in the fire. Fort...

  • a go-getter 积极上进、志在必得的人

    21-04-20 合成词 go-getter 由动词 go 和名词 getter 组成,getter 是由动词 get 加上后缀 -er 得来,在这里表示 获得的人。Go-getter 这个合成词用来描述 有冲劲、有进取心、志在必得的人。它不仅可用来描述一个人的工作态度,也可以泛指人的生活、学习态度积极上进。 例句 Hes...

  • 《你好,李焕英》即将全球上映

    21-04-09 热门影片《你好,李焕英》要走出国门了,该片即将在全球范围内上映。 Hi, Mom, the maiden directorial project of Chinese comedian and actress Jia Ling, is scheduled to hit international theaters on Thursday. The tear-jerker film will be released in North...

  • 赵婷凭借《无依之地》斩获金球奖最佳导演奖

    21-03-03 北京时间3月1日上午,第78届金球奖揭晓。中国导演赵婷凭借《无依之地》(Nomadland)斩获金球奖最佳导演奖,她也是首位获得这一奖项的中国女导演。 据悉,这部电影将于今年4月23日在荧幕上与内地观众见面。 Beijing-born director Chloe Zhao was named top director a...

  • BBC:2021年佳片前瞻 上

    21-01-09 The Many Saints of Newark《纽瓦克众圣》 Fourteen years after The Sopranos ended, its creator and writer, David Chase, delivers a prequel to one of the best television series ever made. No one could replace James Gandolfini, who died in 2013, and who...