• 常见的夸奖点怎么说

    22-01-25 dimple 酒窝 酒窝其实比较难形容,但是说个 Your dimple is so cute. 你的酒窝真可爱。 人家一定会很高兴的。 eyelashes 眼睫毛 Your eyelashes are so long. 你的睫毛真长。 有时候懒一点也可以直接说lashes,省略掉eye。但是其实大部分歪果仁的眼睫毛都很长,他们都...

  • 新方法检测红细胞畸形

    11-11-01 Misshapen(畸形的,丑恶的) red blood cells (RBCs) are a sign of serious illnesses, such as malaria and sickle cell anemia. Until recently, the only way to assess whether a person's RBCs were the correct shape was to look at them individually under...
